Increasing Your Completion Rates – How to Get Participants to Finish Your Course
From ProBlogger Expert Sam Nordberg. Online courses are all the rage right now, but sadly, there are some staggering figures when it comes to completion… and not in a good way. Seth Godin shared on Tim Ferriss’s podcast once that most online courses have a drop off rate of 97%, ...more
Community Discussion: Guest Post Pitching Strategies
As the editor of ProBlogger for the last three years, you can imagine I’ve seen every. pitch. ever. when it comes to guest posting. The most I see (and immediately delete) are the ones that are copied and pasted straight from a template, with a couple of ProBlogger links inserted, ...more
Community Discussion
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
As November winds up (and plenty of you are still enjoying what’s left of the Thanksgiving weekend), Instagram continues to roll out Snapchat-style changes, we have some epiphanies courtesy of Seth Godin and Unsettle blogger Sarah Peterson, and thinking from the point of view of our customers (those of us ...more
Pro Blogging News
How to Grow Fans and Save Your Sanity by Changing the Season
In September, I had one of the best conference experiences of my life.The atmosphere was friendly, supportive, motivated. The talks were top quality, innovative, engaging. The delivery was trendy, slick, seamless. The event, of course, was ProBlogger Event. Now, despite the motivation, the enthusiasm, the drive, I still heard the ...more
Writing Content
44% Off the Best Thing We Created in 2016
Black Friday is almost upon us, with Cyber Monday right around the corner – the ‘silly season’ has started and before you know it we’ll be panicking about the holidays and whether we’ve ended up on the Naughty or Nice list! Here at ProBlogger we’re busy working on some exciting plans ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Should You Move Your Blogging Site To HTTPS?
By ProBlogger SEO expert Jim Stewart ofBloggersSEO. You’ve no doubt seen the subject of HTTPS in the media recently – the importance of applying it to your blogging website in order to preserve your Google rankings has been widely reported. But what does it mean for you? Do you have ...more
Search Engine Optimization
168: How to Edit Blog Posts in 7 Easy Steps
Edit Your Blog Posts With Seven Simple Steps A lot is taught about the importance of writing great blog posts, but it is in the editing of your writing that your post can really be made to shine. If left unedited, it can create a very different impression that can ...more
Creating Content
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Facebook Says It Found More Miscalculated Metrics | The Wall Street Journal Whoops! Three Different Ways to Name Your Blog or Website | Aliventures It’s such a big decision! And sometimes we need all the help we can get. How Often to Post on Social Media? [Proven Research from ...more
Pro Blogging News
How I Beat Out 200 Applicants on the ProBlogger Jobs Board in 45 Minutes
This is a guest contribution from Susan Finch. Landing lucrative contracts from job boards that goes beyond paying your bills and actually sustains your lifestyle – it’s what every aspiring and highly experienced writer dreams about. You may even dabble in applying for positions on job boards and experience mixed results. ...more
Blogging for Dollars