198: 6 First Income Streams Recommended for Bloggers
6 Recommendations to Monetize Your Blog In today’s episode I want to talk about making money blogging. More specifically, I want to tackle a question from a reader who has been blogging for a while without monetizing but is wondering which income stream she should try first. I’ll suggest 6 ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What is the Link between Social Signals and Your Search Ranking?
This is a guest post from Shane Barker We all know that factors like backlinks, keywords, and bounce rates are important search ranking factors. But there’s still a lot of confusion about social signals, and their impact on a website’s ranking. Reputable sources like Moz and Backlinko have reported that social signals ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Take a Break from Your Blog
Do you ever feel like you need to take a break from your blog but you feel like you’ve created a monster that just needs to keep being fed and fear that stepping away from the blog could mark the beginning of the end for it? If so – you’re ...more
Creating Content
197: A COOL TOOL for Creating Viral Videos for Facebook in 15 Minutes
A Free Tool to Create Videos For Your Facebook Page This episode is presented by The Success Incubator – a brand new event I’m co-hosting this year for ProBlogger readers and online entrepreneurs. Today I’m announcing 3 great speakers – Pat Flynn, Kim Garst and Andrea Vahl (more details here). ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
These 5 Rules Will Help You Work More Productively at Home
This is a guest contribution from ProBlogger Productivity Expert Nicole Avery. It is the dream for many of us. Working from home, for our selves, working when we want, in our pyjamas if we want, until the reality of working from home kicks in. To work productively from home it ...more
Be Productive
The “Traveler” Rules of WordPress Plugin Management
We get asked a LOT about what plugins to use, how to use them, how to fix them. We also get asked how you can make your blog look better, load faster, perform better. We’ll be answering these questions in our upcoming “Top 7 plugins for . . .” series. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
196: Blogger Spotlight – Nikki Parkinson from Styling You, Shares How She Built a Business Around Her Blog
Blogger Nikki Parkinson Shares How She Built a Business Around Her Blog In today’s episode, I have recorded an interview with one of Australia’s better known bloggers – Nikki Parkinson from the style and fashion blog – Styling You. I first met Nikki at one of our first ever ProBlogger ...more
4 Ways to Use Social Media to Light a Fire Under Your List Building Strategy
This is a guest contribution from Megan Totka. Building a profitable e-mail list requires more than just adding a newsletter signup form to your website. Attracting and retaining an email list that ultimately turns into customers means finding creative ways to get in front of them and continually providing value. ...more
Blog Promotion
195: How to Crush Content Planning and Promotion with One Powerful Tool
Using CoSchedule as a Blogging Tool In today’s episode, we’re going to take a deep dive into a tool we’ve been using on ProBlogger for the last 18 months that has been incredibly useful for our team both as an editorial calendar tool but also to help us with our ...more
Blogging Tools and Services