Bloggers versus Copywriters: 8 Reasons why Bloggers do it Better
A Guest Post by Glenn Murray from Divine Write. It’s true. Bloggers do it better. The good ones do anyway. See for yourself: Choose a handful of your favorite blogs and a handful of static websites, and compare the writing. (TIP: Try to choose sites that look professionally designed, as ...more
Writing Content

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for July 2010
Over the last few months I’ve been sharing a monthly breakdown of where my income comes from in the hope of illustrating some of the methods bloggers might like to look at when making money from blogging (see previous months linked to below). The month of July was the second ...more
Blogging for Dollars

The Key to Successful Blogging: Do Something!
Over the last month several hundred bloggers in the SitsGirls and TheBlogFrog communities have come together to tackle 31 Days to Build a Better Blog together. The 31 days are coming to an end this week and I’ve been so excited to see how working through the workbook as a ...more
Featured Posts

Repeat Visitors vs New Visitors – Which is Worth More to Your AdSense Earnings?
A few days back I shared a little analysis of my AdSense earnings as it related to sources of traffic and looked at how – for me – traffic from newsletters was actually the most valuable traffic that I get on my photography site. This dispelled the myth that loyal ...more

Blogosphere Trends + Interview Tips
This column is written by Kimberly Turner from Regator (a great tool that gathers and organizes the world’s best blog posts) – Darren
Think interviews are best left to Barbara Walters, news reporters, or magazine journalists? Think again. Conducting interviews for your blog helps create unique content, increases your blog’s authority, and adds an additional voice of expertise. In today’s post, we’ll look at how some bloggers covered this week’s most talked-about stories using interviews and how you can use interviews to your advantage.
Pro Blogging News

Newsletter Readers Do Click Ads
I recently attended an event where a presenter talked about the reasons that they didn’t use email marketing as part of their online business. One of the main reasons that he presented was that he didn’t think that people coming from a newsletter would click the ads on his site. ...more

2 Products Worth Considering to Improve Your Blog Today
Each week I see multiple products launched targeting bloggers wanting to improve their blogs. I’ve tested many of them in my time and the reality is that most don’t deliver what they promise and I don’t promote them. However from time to time – some hit the mark and present ...more
Pro Blogging News

What They Don’t Tell You About Successful Product Launches
Many times we see successful product launches being talked about and are so dazzled by the huge sales numbers and income generated but fail to see all the hard groundwork that has been done behind the scenes for months and years before the launch.
Blogging for Dollars

150 Bloggers Pack Melbourne Hotel for ProBlogger Training Day
One week ago today in Melbourne the first ever ProBlogger training day took place. What started as a spur of the moment idea less than 4 weeks before ballooned into a very worthwhile experience. Originally I had thought it would just be a day for 10-15 bloggers gathering around a ...more
Pro Blogging News