How I write a blog post: my step-by-step process
21st of February 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How I Write a Blog Post: My Step-by-Step Process

This post is based on Episode 186 of the ProBlogger podcast. I’m often asked how I write a blog post. What does the process look like from start to finish? ProBlogger readers and podcast listeners have asked about where in the process I do specific things, such as writing the headline and ...more
Writing Content
Learn how to start a successful podcast
18th of February 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

276: How to Start a Successful Podcast

Learn How to Start a Successful Podcast Do you already have a blog, and want to expand into another medium? Then why not start a podcast? A lot of our Facegroup members have asked questions about starting a podcast, especially about gear, content, engagement, hosting, launching and monetization. And to ...more
5 ways to quadruple your blog's income
14th of February 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Five Ways to Quadruple Your Blog’s Income

Let’s say you’ve already monetized your blog – at least to some degree. But while you’re bringing in some revenue each month, it’s not as much as you’d like. Perhaps you want to be quit your day job, or take your business to the next level. So how can you ...more
Making money
International Start a Blog Day 2019
7th of February 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

International Start a Blog Day Class of 2019

I was wrong.I thought I was too late to start blogging in 2002. I thought I had missed the boat. But I started a blog anyway. I loved expressing myself and making connections with people around the world who had similar interests to me. I also loved seeing my blog ...more
How one blogger quit her job and started a lifestyle blog
1st of February 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

275: How One Blogger Quit Her Job and Started a Lifestyle Blog

How One Blogger Took Action, Left Her Job, and Began a Lifestyle Blog Today marks the end of our series featuring stories from new bloggers. We really hope you’ve enjoyed them. Jackie Baker recently started a lifestyle blog that celebrates the beauty in everyday life. She considered blogging as a business ...more
Start a Blog
How Stefano changed blogging platforms and started blogging with a plan
31st of January 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

274: How Stefano Changed Blogging Platforms and Started Blogging with a Plan

How a Blogger Found the Right Plan and Business Idea Today our series of stories from new bloggers continues with Stefano Caioni, a web developer and photographer.   Stefano’s blog offers guidance on various aspects of photography including focus modes, settings and equipment reviews. Using his tech experience, Stefano wrote ...more
Start a Blog
How one blogger turned a painful situation into a life-changing blog
28th of January 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

273: How One Blogger Turned a Painful Situation into a Life-Changing Blog

How One Blogger Found Encouragement in Difficult Times Our new bloggers series continues with Melissa, who started Living in the Wait. Her blog serves as a resource for those waiting for something in their lives, whether it’s a job, spouse, home or something else. Melissa discovered you can still live ...more
Start a Blog
How networking and interviewing helped one blogger build her blog
25th of January 2019 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

272: How Networking and Interviewing Helped One Blogger Build Her Blog

How One Blogger is Making the Most from Networking and Interviewing Our series of stories from new bloggers continues with Penny Wilson, who started Lingo Mama to blog about language learning and travel. Penny’s reasons for starting a blog: Return to her passion for language learning Establish accountability and discipline ...more
Start a Blog
How to write short sentences and paragraphs (and why it matters)
24th of January 2019 Ali Luke 0 Comments

How to Write Short Sentences and Paragraphs the Right Way (and Why It Matters)

This is a post by ProBlogger writing expert Ali Luke If you’ve been blogging for a while, I’m sure you’ve come across the advice to write short sentences and paragraphs. There are good reasons for this. And it has nothing to do with “dumbing down” the language or short attention ...more
Writing Content