Blogosphere Trends + Effective Calls to Action
You might be saying, “I’m a blogger, not a sales person. I create content. Why would I need to worry about calls to action?” But if you are, I’d encourage you to adjust your thinking. Making money from your blog, growing your business, and getting readers to interact will be ...more
Pro Blogging News

Launch a Brand New Blog … with Authority
This is a guest post by Jane from Problogging Success. Launching a new blog today is not the same as it was a few years back. Things were a lot easier and diluted in the past decade, but now, the competition is dense, given that thousands of blogs are launched ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Four Os: a Four-Step Guide to Successful Blogging
This guest post is by Adam Best of FanSided. I spent the previous decade figuring out how to “make it” online as a writer. Led Zeppelin’s “Ten Years Gone” comes to mind. Eventually, with the help of my brother, I made a bit of a splash on a Kansas City ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What Do You Want Your Blog to Be Known For?
Here’s a little exercise that I do periodically to help me keep my blog on track. It’s based upon a typical life coaching-type exercise where you’re asked to visualize your own funeral and write your own eulogy—to think about what you want to be known for after you’re gone. But ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

7 Tips for Bloggers with Learning Disabilities
This guest post is by Leigh Stevens of whereapy. If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things. —Epictetus “Are you stupid? You sure look stupid. Everyone else in this room handles this level of work. If you can’t do simple ...more
Writing Content

3 Ways to Use Twitter Favorites
This guest post is by Ryan Barton of The Smart Marketing Blog. Until I began receiving notifications of Twitter followers “favoriting” my tweets, I admittedly hadn’t thought much of the Favorites feature. Some use it as a reminder to follow-up on a tweet’s topic. Others favorite a tweet they find ...more
Social Media

Three Blogging Lessons from Leonardo Da Vinci
This guest post is by Martyn Chamberlin of Two Hour Blogger. It was getting late. The sick old man sighed and set down his brush. Learning back deeply in his chair, he gazed at his painting. No matter how hard he worked, he couldn’t seem to finish it. It was ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google’s Panda Update—the Lessons I Learned
This guest post is by Kevin Sanders, of strongandfit.net. Things were going well over at my fitness blog. I was not an A-lister, but traffic was steadily increasing. I was starting to get ranked for several lower competition keywords. Organic traffic was improving. Then suddenly my search engine traffic dropped ...more
Search Engine Optimization

15 Blogger Resources Not Previously Featured on ProBlogger
This is a guest post by the creators of the new site Bloggers’ Domain: 369 (and counting) blog tips, tools and resources. One of the most exciting things about being a blogger is finding new ways to improve your blogging experience. Whether that’s by implementing a new plugin to give ...more
Blogging Tools and Services