Have You Outgrown Your Blog?
This guest post is by Brian Milne, a longtime sports blogger and founder of the BallHyped Sports Blogging Community. We’ve all been there. You’ve been blogging for months, even years, and your blog is going nowhere fast. Traffic is stagnant. Your subscriber count has dropped off. AdSense is paying just ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

10 Things TV Shopping Networks Can Teach You About Making Money Blogging
This guest post is by Jill Chivers of www.shopyourwardrobe.com. I found myself entranced recently by a “presentation” on a TV shopping network. I usually flip straight past these networks, as I was of the opinion that they were cheesy shows, presented by couldn’t-quite-make-it TV presenters, and that they pushed sub-par ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How I’m Eliminating … Okay, Minimizing Distractions and Getting More Done
Today I asked my followers on Twitter what their biggest challenge as a blogger was. There were hundreds of responses but the word that stood out to me time and time again was “time.” Finding time to blog is something most of us struggle with at one point or another, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Write Amazing Product Reviews
This guest post is by Ray Maker of DCRainmaker.com. Product review posts are in many ways the core of what blogging is about—the ability for all of us regular folks to express an opinion about a product, be it good or bad. Every day, tens of thousands of product reviews ...more
Writing Content

Why You Should Charge Money to Review Guest Post Submissions
This guest post is by Darya Pino, Ph.D of Summer Tomato. Three months ago I started charging $10 to consider guest blog post submissions, and it changed my life. Not only did it clear out many of the most annoying emails in my inbox, it elevated the quality of posts ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

5 Techniques to Create Raving Loyal Fans
This post is by Brad Branson of Lessons in Lifestyle Development. Most people walk through life in a living daze. Most people live their lives vicariously through television, sports, or the gossip section. They are afraid to take action, afraid to take a risk. Why? Be average and you don’t ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What is Google +1 … and What Does it Mean for Your Blog?
This guest post is by Jacob of BlogRevolter.com. On March 30th, Google announced the release of its latest addition to the search engine, a small button called the +1. As with any Google announcement, there are always going to be implications—both great and not so great—for the average and professional ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How A Few Tweets Led to a 370% Increase In My Traffic
This guest post is by Tom Meitner of The Practical Nerd. The other night, I found out author/marketer Chris Brogan was in town. I am a big fan of his and his book Trust Agents, so I wanted to go meet him. I’m not going to go through all of ...more
Blog Promotion

Are You Protecting Your Blog’s Most Valuable Asset?
This guest post was written by Neil Matthews of WPDude. Are you protecting one of the most valuable assets of your blog—your email list? The majority of us rigorously backup the content of our blog, but do we give the same thought to our email lists? Why back up your ...more
Blogging for Dollars