WordPress Plugins that Make Your Blog Comments Social
13th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

WordPress Plugins that Make Your Blog Comments Social

This guest post was written by Neil Matthews of WPDude. Have you noticed a decrease in the number of blog comments you get and an increase in Facebook likes and Twitter tweets about your posts? Are you worried that you are loosing social proof about the validity of your posts ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Why Bloggers Should Consider Engaging on Google+
12th of July 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Why Bloggers Should Consider Engaging on Google+

Over the last week, a couple of pretty amazing things have happened: We had a baby! Google announced its new baby, Google+ (G+, Google+). If you have a Google account, you can now sign into it here. Okay, so #1 took the cake in terms of exciting news in our ...more
Featured Posts
An Interesting Blog Business Model
12th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

An Interesting Blog Business Model

This guest post is by Kevin Muldoon of WordPress Mods. Most of you will be aware of the most popular business models for blogs. A large majority of blogs rely on revenue from advertising such as banner ads and paid reviews. Once a blog is very successful, its owners usually ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How Compendium’s Web to Post Generates Content and Community
12th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How Compendium’s Web to Post Generates Content and Community

This guest post is by Jenny Dean of Business Blog Writers. You might have read my article about a business blogging platform called Compendium. Today, I wanted to share with you a fantastic Compendium tool called, Web to Post that allows customers or clients to tell stories about your products ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Is Shared or Dedicated Hosting Best for You?
11th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Is Shared or Dedicated Hosting Best for You?

This guest post is by Jesse of Professional Intern. Blog owners have a lot of decisions to make if they want to be successful. What will my blogs focus be? What audience do I want to target? Should I use a formal tone or a more personal one? One of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
What Drama Musicals Can Teach Us About Great Blog Writing
11th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

What Drama Musicals Can Teach Us About Great Blog Writing

This guest post is by Achim “Chef Keem” Thiemermann of MusicalWorkshop.org. As the US webmaster and social media manager of Europe’s most successful musical librettist and lyricist, Dr. Michael Kunze, I am intimately familiar with his unique brand of storytelling: the drama musical. To this day, Michael’s combined works (original ...more
Writing Content
The Blog of Art
10th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

The Blog of Art

This guest post is by Tricia Lawrence of trishlawrence.com. We’ve all heard the term “writer’s block” thrown around like it’s an actual medical or mental condition, and a few have attempted to coin “blogger’s block” even though it’s essentially the same thing. It’s what happens when you open your laptop ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Does Fotolia Have Photos for Your Blog?
9th of July 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 0 Comments

Does Fotolia Have Photos for Your Blog?

Do you use images in your blog posts? Most bloggers like to increase their posts’—and blogs’—impact with an image, and while I’m a die-hard textophile, I can see the point. An image is certainly more eye-catching than text. Couple the right image with the right heading, and you’re on fire. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Going Gonzo, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Blog
8th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Going Gonzo, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Blog

This guest post is by Enzo F. Cesario of Brandsplat. “We were halfway to Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.” It certainly wasn’t the line that Rolling Stone expected out of sports and political columnist Hunter S. Thompson. He’d been sent to ...more
Writing Content