6 Killer Writing Tips from a Great-Grandmother of a Copy Editor
18th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

6 Killer Writing Tips from a Great-Grandmother of a Copy Editor

This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Ageofmarketing.com. Meet Ailsa Campbell. Ailsa is a great grandmother of an editor (pun intended): she’s been teaching English longer than many of us have been alive. Needless to say she knows a thing or two about writing well. Here are Ailsa’s top ...more
Writing Content
Don’t Drive Your Blog Distracted
18th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Don’t Drive Your Blog Distracted

This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. I can tell you a thousand ideas I have on how to be creative and when/where to write, but I struggle to create a list of times when you shouldn’t write. Most authors advise that you create articles during the good ...more
Writing Content
Are You a Generous Blogger?
17th of July 2011 Georgina Laidlaw 0 Comments

Are You a Generous Blogger?

I know what you’re thinking. “Of course! I’m a lovely blogger! I’m always giving stuff away—advice in my posts, free chapters from my ebook, whitepapers, time, and a whole swag of fun fun fun on my Facebook page!” That’s great—and certainly generous—but what I’m talking about is something different. A ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
5 Brilliant Things You Can Do with an Inactive Blog
16th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

5 Brilliant Things You Can Do with an Inactive Blog

This guest post is by Tristan of Infographic Academy. If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, the odds are good that you have an inactive blog or two (or *cough* a dozen *cough*) sitting around. Maybe you wrote only a few posts before you realized that your calling ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Getting Un-Panda-lized: One Blog’s Response to Google’s Panda Update
15th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Getting Un-Panda-lized: One Blog’s Response to Google’s Panda Update

This guest post is by Ethan of OneProjectCloser.com When Google rolled out the first Panda update on 23 February 2011, we saw our site traffic plummet by 40%. I learned about this four hours after quitting my day job to become a full-time blogger. I don’t regret the decision for ...more
Search Engine Optimization
The Secret to Feeding Your Family with a Blog
15th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

The Secret to Feeding Your Family with a Blog

This guest post is by Russ Henneberry of Tiny Business, Mighty Profits. It’s every blogger’s dream: to take something you created and generate enough money to take care of your obligations. But time is running out. The time bomb is ticking. Generate sales, or die. With each second that ticks ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Six Proven Secrets to Blogging Success
14th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Six Proven Secrets to Blogging Success

This guest post is by Abby Larson of Style Me Pretty: The Ultimate Wedding Blog. I write a wedding blog. Before you start running for the hills, now that you know I focus only on girly things, know that I also happen to have a smarty pants husband who is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
3 Reasons Why I Don’t Worry About the Competition
14th of July 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Worry About the Competition

I was recently asked who my blogging competitors were. I struggled to find an answer to that—not because there’s nobody else blogging in my niches, and not because I’m not aware of other bloggers in my niches, but because I don’t really worry much about them. There are three main ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Think Twice Before You Use News as Inspiration
13th of July 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Think Twice Before You Use News as Inspiration

This guest post is by Greg McFarlane. If there are already 100,000 posts out there that express a particular viewpoint, what’s the point of adding a 100,001st? Look for a different angle. If you can’t find one, then resist the temptation to rehash conventional wisdom, and go unearth yourself some ...more
Writing Content