8 Tips for Using Quotes and Dialogue in Your Blog Posts
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Ageofmarketing.com. Quotes and dialogue are one of the most powerful tools in the writer’s toolbox. They bring your writing to life. They give your piece voice and make the words jump off the page. As the famous writer Stephen King once said, “What ...more
Writing Content

Influencers Are Real, But they’re Not Always Who You Expect
This guest post is by Dan Zarella of of danzarrella.com. I find myself in the quantity of followers versus quality of followers debate quite a bit. And one of the fundamental questions of that argument is the concept of influencers. There are clearly some social media users who have more ...more
Social Media

Getting Started with Webmaster Tools: Fixing 404 Errors
This guest post is by Dave Taylor of AskDaveTaylor.com. Whether you’re writing about changing diapers, improving your bowling score, finding a job in the travel industry or how you get pictures off your cellphone, I think it’s a universal truth that if you’re writing online, you want better search engine ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Don’t Let Your Blog Get Caught with its Pants Down
This guest post is by Joseph of Blog Tweaks. I know a guy who went on a backpacking trip in Ghana. One leg of his trip stood out—a five hour bus ride from Kumasi to Cape Coast. This particular ride started at 4:30 a.m. Yes, that’s crazy early, but it ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Have We Reached Blog Overload?
This guest post is by LA Juice, of www.la-juice.com. Saturated, overloaded, “all full up.” These are the words and phrases I think of when I look at the blogging world. Especially in the context of gaining new followers when you aren’t teaching, selling, or giving valuable books and prizes away. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

7 Lessons I Learned by Starting Over with Blogging
This guest post is by Jeff Goins of Goins, Writer Six months ago, I was frustrated with my blog. I felt stuck and stymied. I had written on it for nearly five years and built a small, but steady, stream of traffic. But there was just one problem: it wasn’t ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Specific Targets vs. Sustained Growth: Blogging Goals
“When you started blogging for money, what amount of traffic were you aiming for?” This was a question asked of me recently in conversation by a newer blogger. The reason they asked was that they were wanting to come up with a number to aim for, at which they knew ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Writing for Mobile Blog Readers
This guest post is by Brian Milne of the BlogHyped Blog Promotion Community. As far as you know, your blog is mobile friendly. You’ve optimized the design for mobile devices using plugins such as WPtouch. You’ve started serving Google mobile ads. Heck, you even have your own mobile app. But ...more
Writing Content

Let Twitter Improve Your Copy Editing
This guest post is by Jason of FindingMyFitness.com. You know that one of the “tricks” to writing great posts is to keeping the content short, crisp, and clear. So why is that so hard to do? Adopting the Twitter method Ever write a great tweet and have to shorten it ...more
Writing Content