What’s Your Blog Worth? How to Value Web Properties
This guest post is by Sunil of Extra Money Blog. I have sold an ecommerce website for $250,000 and several other niche websites for a five-figure price tag. I want to share with you one valuation method you can use to put a price on your web property today. Whether ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How Guest Posting is Like a Personal Loan
This guest post is by Frank Angelone of SocialTechZone.com. Have you ever lent a friend money? If so, was this someone you thought you could trust? If you answered in the affirmative, as they say in The Social Network, than you will want to keep reading. The thought may already ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Boost Your Blog #8: Incentivize Your Email Opt-in
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 8. Add an incentive to your email opt-in Chris Garrett suggested this one on Google+ when I raised the topic of this post, and he’s a guy who has seen real benefit ...more
Blog Promotion

7 Steps to Setting Blogging Goals that Stick
This guest post is by Tim Brownson of A Daring Adventure. I suspect that all the technical information you could ever need to be a successful blogger is out there in the public domain. If that is the case, why do the vast majority of blogs fail when it comes ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why the Road to Blog Success is Bumpy (and What to Do About It)
This guest post is by Jane of Find All Answers. Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does it always happen to me?” I am sure you have. It always happens. Whenever you have a shiny goal for your business project, or whenever you want to start a new business, you ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Boost Your Blog #7: Interlink Your Posts
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 7. Interlink your posts Another task that I try to do on a regular basis (not as regularly as I should!) is going back through old posts in my archives and looking ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Your Blog Is Not Seen by Over 2 Million Federal Workers!
This guest post is by Rick of www.morebettersmarts.com. Filtering software may be blocking your blog from being accessed on government computers. When I first put my blog online, I discovered that my friends on the local military base were prevented from viewing it by the government’s filtering service, Blue Coat. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Boost Your Blog #6: Optimize Menus and Sidebars
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 6. Optimize your menus, navigation, and sidebars One task that I think many of us could benefit from on a periodic basis is a critical review of menus and navigation areas on ...more
Blog Design

Stand Up to Live Before You Sit Down to Blog
This guest post is by Peter G. James Sinclair of MotivationalMemo.com. “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”—Henry David Thoreau I often reflect on the lifetime of experiences that I’ve tasted since landing on planet Earth to find myself in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips