The Science of Blogging
This guest post is by Farhan Syed of www.writeregion.com. The word “science” comes from the Latin root “scientia,” which means knowledge. This is the reason why the word science is attached to many “non scientific” terms like “the science of theology.” A blog is defined as follows: A blog is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Seth Godin on Blogging and Productivity
With the launch this week of Seth Godin’s latest book, We Are All Weird, we wanted to share this interview we recently conducted with Seth on productivity and blogging. Seth’s among the world’s most prolific bloggers, but he’s also a profuse book author and serial entrepreneur. How does he fit ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews

7-point Checklist For Bloggers Who Want to Create a Profitable Blog
This guest post is by Peter G. James Sinclair of Motivational Memo. Before I aggressively started to build my Motivational Memo blog at the beginning of this year I had already owned a web design company for over seven years. During that time I have seen the good, the bad ...more

50% Discount Ends in 36 Hours on the Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing Kit
A few weeks ago here on ProBlogger we launched a product I’m really proud of—the Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing Kit written by the Web Marketing Ninja (the guy who has helped me shape my own blogging business model over the last few years). The kit is essentially based around ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Behind the Scenes: How a ProBlogger Product Sales Page is Made
This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja—author of The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing, and a professional online marketer who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we! I tweeted a couple of days ago how wonderfully evolutionary sales page copy can be as it ...more
Blogging for Dollars

There Are 3 Thing’s Wrong With This Head Line
This guest post is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash As a blogger, you expect your readers to give you their valuable time that they could be spending elsewhere. If you’re going to ask that much of them, don’t they deserve your best effort in return? When your posts ...more
Writing Content

Make an App to Engage Your Blog’s Readers
This guest post is by Leah Goodman of AppsGeyser. A few months ago, when I started working for AppsGeyser, a friend asked me if I could turn her blog into an app, to which I responded, “Yes.” Then she asked me the more important question: why would she want to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Bushido for Bloggers: What Samurais and Bloggers Have in Common
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of ageofmarketing.com. Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s Hagakure is the most famous text on bushido, the warrior code of the samuari. Written in an era when Japan was obsessed with warfare and martial prowess, the book offers instruction on how a samurai should live and die. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why Bloggers Should Pay Attention to the New Affiliate Tax Laws
This guest post is by Yasmine Mustafa of 123LinkIt.com. The Business Insider recently reported that ten thousand affiliates were recently dropped from Amazon’s Affiliate Program with little warning. How much income would you lose if you were no longer permitted to use the program? This is an issue that bloggers ...more
Blogging for Dollars