20 Ways to Make More Money from Your Blog
This guest post is by James Penn of AcceleratedNicheProfits.com. A few weeks ago, on the ProBlogger Community Boards, I started a new forum topic titled, “Help Me Monetize 1,000 Visitors Per Day.” My natural health blog had experienced some rapid traffic growth, and had grown from 80 visitors per day ...more
Blogging for Dollars

6 Tips for Dressing Up Your Product Reviews
This guest post is by Peter Lawlor of B2Web. One of my favorite methods of monetizing my blogs is by promoting products as an affiliate. As an affiliate, I have the opportunity to learn all I can about a product I promote, and share what I know, including likes and ...more
Affiliate Programs

What You Can Take From Your Blog’s Worst Day
The fateful day started with a morning that marked a month since the launch of my new blog. A blog that had ten posts and few visits per day. On that morning I woke up and went on to sit in front of my laptop. This is my usual routine. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What to Do When Your Product is Only a Suggestion
This guest post is by John Hoff of securemyblog.com. When we’re new to making money online, many gurus tell us we should think about what we know, what we’re good at, and what we enjoy doing. They tell us to think about it like this: If money wasn’t a factor, ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How a Blog Can Help Grow Your Offline Business
This guest post was written by Gordon McLachlan of 8 Gram Gorilla. I’ve been both an avid blogger and a huge advocate for blogging for many years now. But until recently I’ve never had any personal “success” to be able to back up my claims that blogging isn’t just an ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Why Your Brand Is Everything
This guest post is by Matthew Kepnes of Nomadic Matt’s Travel Site. Let’s begin with some word association: Disney World Nike Apple McDonald’s BP Goldman Sachs. What did you think about when I mentioned these brands? What words came to mind? Thoughts? Feelings? Images? Whatever it is that came to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Land the Best Products to Review
This post is by Simon Worrall of CM Copywriters. Each year, companies spend hundreds of millions on branded T-shirts, mugs, stickers, and pens. Go to enough conferences and you’ll amass terabytes of memory sticks and a wardrobe of T-shirts, hoodies, and caps. Promotional products are also a way of making ...more
Writing Content

Principles of Effective Blog Design
This is a guest post by Peep Laja, CEO of Traindom. People judge books by the cover, and other people by their looks. Take a look at these two men: Now answer these questions (you can’t choose “neither”): Which one would you rather ask investment advice from? Which one would ...more
Blog Design
![I’m Going to Blog World Expo LA [PLUS: Who #BWELA is Good For]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
I’m Going to Blog World Expo LA [PLUS: Who #BWELA is Good For]
In just over a month Blog World Expo will be happening in Los Angeles from 3-5 November – and I will be there – speaking at one of the Track Keynotes (topic TBA). I didn’t think I would get there this year with a new baby in the house but ...more
Pro Blogging News