Four Tips for Bloggers Who Want to Work with the Travel Industry
16th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Four Tips for Bloggers Who Want to Work with the Travel Industry

This guest post is by Matt Long of People are attracted to travel blogging for a lot of reasons. For some, they are doing a year-long trip and simply want an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family. Still others are attracted to the niche travel ...more
Blogging for Dollars
6 Laws Every Blogger Needs to Obey so they Don’t Get Sued
16th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

6 Laws Every Blogger Needs to Obey so they Don’t Get Sued

This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. If you’re a blogger, do you know how to stay on the right side of the law? Do you know what you need to do to keep the FTC from knocking on your door or to keep from getting a dreaded ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Best Blog Growth Strategy is to Say Thank You … a Lot!
15th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

The Best Blog Growth Strategy is to Say Thank You … a Lot!

This guest post is by Danny Iny of Everyone is looking for the best strategy for growing a blog. Is it SEO? PPC? CPV? Guest posting? Twitter? Facebook? CommentLuv? Networking? Attending conferences? Writing great content? The list goes on—I could fill a page if I had to, and I’ll ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
What Blog Platform Do You Use Most? [POLL]
14th of November 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

What Blog Platform Do You Use Most? [POLL]

It’s been a couple of years since we ran a poll here on ProBlogger about the blogging platform that readers are using, so I’m keen to see the results on this one. n {democracy:56} Please answer for the platform you use most if you have multiple blogs (one selection per ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Why Submit Your Best Posts as Guest Posts?
14th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Why Submit Your Best Posts as Guest Posts?

This guest post is by Aman Basanti of If you have been in the blogging game for any number of months, you already know about the power of guest blogging in generating traffic and exposure to your blog. Yet there are new bloggers out there who hear about the ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Generate Massive Traffic, Excitement, and Even Jealousy with a Hollywood-Style Launch Trailer
13th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Generate Massive Traffic, Excitement, and Even Jealousy with a Hollywood-Style Launch Trailer

This guest post is by Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic). You know that feeling you have when you’re onto something big? Your heart is thump, thump, thumping, your mind races down the roads of future possibilities, and you drift through the day with strange grin plastered ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Grow Gracefully
12th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Grow Gracefully

This guest post is by Courtney Carver of If anyone tells you that launching a blog doesn’t take blood, sweat, and tears, get your money back. There is no doubt that launching and growing a successful blog takes time, energy, and dedication. There are so many recommendations about how ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Warning: Are You Doing the Bare Minimum?
12th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Warning: Are You Doing the Bare Minimum?

This guest post is by Paul of Bachelor’s degree . . . bare minimum. A Master’s degree is becoming, well . . . the bare minimum. Posting on your blog once a day, tweeting a few times, responding to a few people, responding to a few emails . . . bare minimum. The truth is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
10 Writing Mistakes that Will Guarantee Your Blog’s Failure
11th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

10 Writing Mistakes that Will Guarantee Your Blog’s Failure

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti of You have the ideas. You have the expertise. You have the ability to project them well on your blog, and you are quite confident in your writing ability. Yet, unknowingly, you could be building a sinking ship, punctured by these ...more
Writing Content