If I Were the Blogging Police…
5th of February 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

If I Were the Blogging Police…

This guest post is by Karol K of ThemeFuse. Is it just me, or do you ever find yourself in a situation when you just want to lock someone up for the things they’re doing either on their own blog or while commenting on other people’s blogs? You know, moments ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
From Small-time Blogger to Professional Paid Speaker: My Journey
4th of February 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

From Small-time Blogger to Professional Paid Speaker: My Journey

This guest post is by Marcus Sheridan of The Sale Lion. We’re all communicators. That’s what we do. Some of us love the feel of pen in hand. Others find joy as the fingers hit the key pad. But for me, the magic is in the communion that occurs in ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Create and Host a Blog Carnival
3rd of February 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Create and Host a Blog Carnival

This guest post is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. Everyone has them, except possibly R.L. Stine. I’m referring to those days when you’re lacking either the inspiration or the energy to write something fresh and/or inventive. If you can somehow get those days to occur on a regular ...more
Blog Promotion
What 60% of ProBlogger Readers Don’t Do that’s Central to My Blogging Success
2nd of February 2012 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

What 60% of ProBlogger Readers Don’t Do that’s Central to My Blogging Success

A couple of weeks ago I ran a census of ProBlogger readers to help us work out how to serve you better in 2012. Thousands of people participated (thanks to everyone!), so I thought I’d share a few of the results that stood out to me. Some of them are ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Why Kissing a Digital Baby is Better than Back-scratching a Super-famous Blogger
2nd of February 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Why Kissing a Digital Baby is Better than Back-scratching a Super-famous Blogger

 This guest post is by  Shamelle Perera of Better Blogging Ways. By now, it’s been engraved into every bloggers mind that relationships are the foundation of building a successful blog. Then, there is this “hush hush” unwritten law, “You should build strong relationships with established pro bloggers or blogosphere influences! ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Develop Irresistible Content with this 4-Point Formula
1st of February 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Develop Irresistible Content with this 4-Point Formula

This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. If you want to create blog posts, white papers, and even ebooks that clearly communicate your idea and compel your readers to do whatever you ask,  you need to use this little formula. It deals with the four different learning abilities ...more
Writing Content
Frustrated by Blogger’s Block? Try this Exercise!
31st of January 2012 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Frustrated by Blogger’s Block? Try this Exercise!

Feeling frustrated today about a lack of ideas to write about on your blog? If so, you’re not alone. Here’s another technique that I use to overcome it. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post here on ProBlogger that gave a tip for fighting blogger’s block. It asked ...more
Writing Content
Build Keyword Density the Right Way
31st of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Build Keyword Density the Right Way

This guest post is by Bill Achola of SeoArticleWriteService.com. It would be great if the only purpose of your copywriting was to sell your products. Unfortunately your copy often has to serve two purposes: attracting visitors to your site, and then selling to them. Attracting traffic using copy requires using ...more
Search Engine Optimization
The Gong Fu of Blogging
30th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

The Gong Fu of Blogging

This guest post is by Michael de Waal-Montgomery of The Monty Mike Times. The word Kung Fu comes from the Chinese word “Gong Fu,” which means “hard work.” Anyone who’s studied Kung Fu knows this name is well deserved. It’s tough going, no matter how good you get. Blogging is ...more
Writing Content