Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 3: Let Your Publication Inspire Your Next Post
21st of September 2012 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 3: Let Your Publication Inspire Your Next Post

Over the last week, we’ve been kickstarting stalled blog content. We’ve worked through the process of planning, writing and editing a post, and I hope that by now some of you might have published that post. At this point, I hope you’re thinking that kickstarting the content on your neglected ...more
Be Productive
Kodak’s Social Media Success—and What Bloggers Can Learn From It
20th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Kodak’s Social Media Success—and What Bloggers Can Learn From It

This guest post is by Ricky of With an active Facebook page, three corporate blogs, a couple of Twitter accounts, a YouTube channel, a Flickr profile and more, Kodak seems to be smiling pretty much all over the social media arena. And no, it’s not just for the sake of ...more
Social Media
How I Fast-tracked My Blog to 10k Subscribers and $15k Revenue in a Month
20th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How I Fast-tracked My Blog to 10k Subscribers and $15k Revenue in a Month

This guest post is by Alex Becker of Source Wave Marketing. When I first got into blogging, gaining any sizable amount of engaged subscribers seemed like a slow, tedious task. As bloggers, I am sure you know the popular ways to get people to your site: guest posting participating on forums ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How I Tweaked my WordPress Blog to Rank Better in the Search Engines
19th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How I Tweaked my WordPress Blog to Rank Better in the Search Engines

This guest post is by Jonathan of NutraSol Natural Center. As bloggers and website owners, improving our websites is an absolute must, and search engine optimization is important if we want to get more traffic through search engines. I have been familiar with SEO since before I started my first ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How to Mass Monetize Your YouTube Channel
19th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Mass Monetize Your YouTube Channel

This guest post is by Jenny Dean of Floppycats. One of the joys of the Internet is the opportunity to become friends with a complete stranger on the other side of the world. Michael Strange and I had two things in common when we first met: we both owned Ragdoll cats, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 2: Make Writing Work For You
18th of September 2012 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Kickstart Your Stalled Blog Content, Part 2: Make Writing Work For You

On the weekend we looked at a little exercise for kickstarting stalled content on your blog. This approach can be useful for reviving a long-neglected blog or just for reinvigorating your blogging when you’re struggling to keep up a regular posting routine. For all the advice you can read online ...more
Be Productive
8 Non-writing Apps for Writers
17th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

8 Non-writing Apps for Writers

This guest post is by Ben Ellis of A lot of “app talk” in the world of writing revolves around the main applications used to compose your piece of writing, such as Scrivener, iA Writer, and my weapon of choice, MOApps’ Write, plus a whole load of others too. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How Playboy Can Help Your Blog
17th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How Playboy Can Help Your Blog

This guest post is by Greg Narayan of My roommate always gets Playboy. He puts the new mag right by the silverware drawer in the kitchen, and it usually sits there wide open. We share a relatively small apartment in Manhattan’s financial district. I see the darn thing every day ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Google Penalizes Copyright Infringers: Are You At Risk?
16th of September 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Google Penalizes Copyright Infringers: Are You At Risk?

This guest post is by Shahzad Saeed of Recently Google announced on its official blog that it will start penalizing sites that are accused of copyright infringement. The announcement may reduce the content theft around the web, since now it is clear that if a site continuously violates copyright ...more
Search Engine Optimization