9 Benefits [and 3 Costs] Of Building Community On Your Blog
Do you ever feel – as you blog – like you’re talking to an empty room? Day after day you publish posts only to have them greeted by…. If that is how you feel – then you’re not alone. In fact one of the most common questions that I hear ...more
Build Community

How to Grow Your Blog with Viral Content
Recently, I’ve been exploring five strategies that I’d employ to promote my blog if I were starting all over again. I said earlier in the series that I’m assuming ‘great content’ is being added to the hypothetical new blog that we’re promoting. However when it comes to blogging not all ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog
This month we’ve been looking at five different methods that I’d use to find readership if I were starting a new blog. So far we’ve explored guest posting, advertising and networking – but today I want to turn our attention to the dynamic area of social media. Social media sites ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Use Advertising to Promote Your Blog
Have you ever considered advertising your blog? Today I want to explore this idea as part of my series of posts on how I’d promote my blog if I was starting from scratch. Most blog promotion tips that I see given are about growing your blog’s readership quite organically (something ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Promote Your Blog through Networking
This is the second of five ways that I’d promote a new blog to new readers if i was starting out again. Today I want to turn our attention to Networking as a great way to promote a blog. If I were starting out in blogging today knowing what I ...more
Blog Promotion

Finding New Readers for Your Blog with Guest Posting
This week I’m introducing the first of five ways that I’d promote a new blog to new readers if i was starting out again. Perhaps one of the most powerful ways of exposing your writing to a new group of people is to put some of your best content on ...more
Blog Promotion

8 Reasons You’re Losing Money On Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. You spend hours and hours of time each week on your blog, but at the end of the month, there’s nothing to show for it in your bank account. In fact, after you add up all of the expenses associated with maintaining ...more
Blogging for Dollars

One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022
It’s the start of a brand new year, and chances are that at some point you made some New Year’s resolutions. As a blogger, you may have set yourself some goals (SMART goals are something I recommend) such as: “I want to double my traffic.” “I want to create an ...more
Strategy & Planning

How to Set SMART Goals for Your Blog in 2022
This post is based on episode 218 of the ProBlogger podcast. It’s been a very long year, and like most people you probably can’t wait for it to be over. And with the new year just around the corner, now is a good time to set yourself some blogging goals ...more