5 Things to Pay Attention to When Considering Local SEO and Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. People are always talking about how SEO affects the quantity and quality of traffic your blog receives, but you’ll rarely hear local SEO discussed in terms of blogging. Most people feel like local SEO is reserved for physical businesses, but your blog ...more
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
It’s Saturday here in Oz, so that must mean reading roundup day (and Halloween)! Enjoy/Boo. The Thumb is In Charge // Facebook If you’ve ever doubted that mobile is the future (who would really, though?!), Facebook has undertaken some research that squarely places mobile in the “you better get on ...more
Blog News
9 Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got Over Them
I was speaking at a small event here in Melbourne recently and I was asked about the common hurdles bloggers face when building profitable blogs. It’s a difficult question to answer, as everyone’s hurdles are different – as are their coping strategies. In today’s podcast I thought going through the ...more
PB057: 9 Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got Over Them
Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Keep Growing a Successful Blog When It All Seems Too Hard Today’s episode is about how to face the things that you are struggling with on your blog and how to make it successful despite the ...more
Increasing productivity
5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Pitches and Get More Freelance Writing Work
This is a guest contribution from Jorden Roper. You know you’re a good writer, so why aren’t you landing the gigs that you want? Well, it’s probably because you aren’t pitching your ideas properly. Because – let’s face it – even if you’re the best writer in the world, you’ll ...more
5 Tips for Optimising Facebook Ad Campaigns
This is a guest contribution from Luke Moulton. Blogging about something you’re passionate about? Chances are there are others just as passionate as you, and chances are, a high percentage of these people hang out on Facebook and share the stuff they’re passionate about. Using Facebook ads to reach your ...more
8 Effective Ways to End a Blog Post
Bloggers talk a lot about how to start a blog post – how to craft the perfect title, how to hook the reader in from the first sentence – but equally important is how you end it. How you leave the reader at the end of your post can have a ...more
PB056: 8 Effective Ways to End a Blog Post
Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Finish Your Blog Posts in ways that leave Lasting Impressions, Build Relationships and Deepen Reader Engagement Today’s episode is all about how to finish each blog post. How you end your blog post determines people’s ...more
Creating Content
The Five Words You Need to Hear When You Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough
We’ve all been there. You want to tackle that blog post on that one topic, but you’re not an expert. You want to create that eBook but everyone else has already written an eBook and they’ve done it better than you. You want to reach out to an influencer with ...more