From Hobby Blog to Business Blog: a Plan of Attack
Many—perhaps most—blogs start life as hobby blogs. We have a special interest, and we want to share our passion with others, so we start a blog. But then somewhere along the line, a large proportion of bloggers decide they’d really like to make some money from their blogs. This is ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity
For the beginner, the blog learning curve can be steep. As well as all the technical and blog visibility issues, there are questions about focus, content types and research, and of course reaching readers. You’re plugging away, day after day, and getting little in the way of recognisable success. How ...more
Be Productive

Looking to 2023: A Commitment to Blogging Smarter … With a Little Help
Feeling a little run down? At this time of year, many of us are. It’s been a big 12 months, and I think most bloggers are looking forward to some down time over the coming weeks. If you’re like me, you might be thinking of using this time not just ...more
Featured Posts

Get Off the Plateau: Growth Tips for Mature Blogs
Do you feel like your blog has reached a plateau? Maybe your readership has stalled, subscriptions seem to be maintaining momentum but not growing, and you’re having trouble squeezing more value out of your already-loyal customer base… What should you do? There are a number of ways to kick yourself ...more
Blogging for Dollars

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Blogging
One of the most common questions I’ve had over the last six months is ‘Have you tested any Artificial Intelligence Tools for creating content?’ Until this week my answer was “not lately”. I have been using AI for image generation and posting my results on an Instagram account (and I ...more

How to Write a Series for Your Blog (and Why You’ll Want To)
Have you ever written a series of posts for your blog – a set of posts that are deliberately linked together? If you haven’t, I hope I can convince you to give it a try. Some bloggers feel writing a series of posts is more daunting than writing individual posts. But ...more
Creating Content

Prepare Your Blog For the Festive Season: a Step-by-step Guide
Over the past week or so, we ran a short series of interviews with bloggers of different types, to get a feel for how they’re preparing for the festive season. We spoke to the owners of: a product-sales blog a blogger-consultant-speaker a digital publisher a not-for-profit blog. If that series ...more
Be Productive

Blogging the Festive Season: The Blogger-Consultant-Speaker [Case Study]
Tara Gentile (now McMullin) is a blogger and business strategist whose online presence underpins her thriving consulting business at explorewhatworks.com. As part of our Blogging the Festive Season series, we asked her how the festive season affects her business and blog. What does preparing for the festive season mean for ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What I Learned Starting My Newest Blog
Over the past 7 months, I’ve been doing a weekly challenge on a new blog called ‘Find Your Spark’. My goal with it is to write a new ‘prompt’ blog post every week for 52 weeks on the topic of helping people ‘find their spark’ (and to help me find ...more
Start a Blog