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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. It’s good to see that bloggers are being taken seriously by the media nowadays. It pleases me each time CNN or some other form of media features a blogger or his/her work. A public service version of MySpace? Without the paedophiles I hope!


  2. Having sat through the whole presentation, I can only say it’s too little too late. In some areas (digital tv) the BBC is at the forefront, but when it comes to community aps like blogging and message boards as well as building web 2.0 usability, they fall way behind the cutting edge.

    In fact, there was lots of talk of Metadata, donwloading and blogs throughout the day, which made me feel like I was trapped in a Doctor Who episode set five years ago. Having seen inside the organisation I know that these things will not happen for a long long time, and what do you know, many within BBC New Media have pleaded and asked for a this kind of vision for many years now.

    Instead we get a really weak blogging experience and implementation, poor message board and community aps as well as unimaginative and restrictive on-demand offerings. There’s a long way to go yet I feel.

  3. Good to know my license fee is being spent wisely,

  4. Last year the BBC applied to the government to be able to increase the license fee by more than double the rate of inflation year on year to fund this stuff. Last I checked it costs around GBP120 per year to have a TV in your house in the UK.

    I wouldn’t mind if they were funding the interactive stuff through the private sector, but to use the money my granny is paying for her TV license to fund something she will never see or understand (sorry gran), makes me mad. Especially when other people are doing it already and doing it better. They were also on about developing their own search engine. Why? Doesn’t Google already do a good enough job.

    In my opinion the Beeb should stick to the focus of TV and Radio and do that better than anyone else. With some of the rubbish they are producing just now I would think that getting quality back into their core product should be their single most important mission.

    All the interactive and online stuff should be commercial and supported by advertising, or better yet, make the whole organisation commercial and let me and my granny keep a tenner a month.

  5. I really hope it’s not going to be as crappy looking as myspace and without all the teenager l33t sp3@k lolzzzz

  6. […] BBC Continues to Explore New Media The Guardian reports that the BBC is redeveloping their online presence to be much more new media focused: ‘The BBC today unveiled radical plans to rebuild its website around user-generated content, including blogs and home videos, with the aim of creating a public service version of MySpace.com.’ […]

  7. myspace.com is really a good media for us!
    we use it very hourly.
    waiting new!


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