Stacey Roberts

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
This week we’re talking about changing up routines and slashing things out of our lives if we want to be successful. Also Facebook maybe making our lives easier, taking quizzes, and what to do when you wanna chuck it all in… I’M MOTIVATED! Let’s do this. 13 Things You Should ...more

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
This week’s posts made me want to live in an RV and perennially chase the warmer weather while reading more novels and finding creative ways to stay well-clear of writer’s block. Quite a good week, if I’m being honest! I think it’s probably because it’s grey and drizzly here (autumn ...more
Pro Blogging News

Community Discussion: Making Money
One of the most popular topics on ProBlogger (if not the most searched-for item) is making money blogging, and how to go about it. There are so many ways of earning a living online, and we have almost just as much advice on how best to keep the dollars rolling ...more
Community Discussion

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
This week is all about writing (and writing lots), getting your SEO right, and decluttering your online life. Enjoy! 5 Writing Techniques that Stir Your Audience to Action | Copyblogger Emotion, Emotion, Emotion is the new Location, Location, Location. If we’re not getting our audience to feel, how are they ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
After taking some time off over the holiday season on my blog, I’ve been thinking about things I normally don’t have time to – and I think those things have been reflected in today’s roundup! Things like going back and optimising older posts for SEO, thinking about my blogging origins ...more
Pro Blogging News

5 Things to Think About Before You Start a Blog
It’s time! You’ve had it in the back of your mind for a while now, but you’ve realised the hour is right to take the plunge, and you want to start a blog. Welcome! You’ve come to the right place. If creating a blog is something you’ve been thinking about ...more
Start a Blog

Community Discussion: Your One Thing for 2017
At the ProBlogger event on the Gold Coast last year, Darren motivated us all with his rallying cry to find one thing we want to do with our blogs, businesses, and lives. Just one thing that we would prioritise, measure all things against, and work hardest at among all the ...more
Community Discussion

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
This week, as usual, the number of tips and tricks about blogging and its related tasks are overwhelmingly large! Everywhere you look, there is another article with more great advice. I hope I’ve managed to drill down and get you exactly what you need this week! It’s been super-helpful to ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
And just like that, January 2017 is almost over. Did you make the most of the first month of the year and the momentum that brings? Were you still on vacation? Did you have to do the school holidays juggle (it’s still summer holidays in Australia for many schools!)? Let’s ...more
Pro Blogging News