Shayne Tilley

30 Lessons from Selling $30 Million Worth of eBooks
This is a guest contribution from our very own Shayne Tilley. Before you hit me up for a loan, let me preface this post. That number represents eBooks sold in for various masters and partners in the last decade. Yes there are a couple of mine in there, but it’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Gmail Trying to ‘Fix’ Our Inbox and What it Means for You.
If capturing and sending email is a part of your blog – it might be your newsletter, affiliate programs, sales email or even just reader comment notifications – there are some changes (that have been looming for some time) that will impact the way you create and send emails … ...more

How we Built our 2 for 1 Sale
You might have stumbled across the 2-for-1 sale we’re currently having on Problogger. We’re also having one over on dPS too if you’re interested in Photography! As soon as we launched this mid-year sale, we received a heap of requests from people who had picked up a bargain and wanted ...more

An Offer that isn’t too Good to be True
Recently, Darren shared an amazing bundle of blogger training available for just 72 hours. As someone who is very selective about what training and personal development I participate in I wanted to put my own perspective forward as to why I think is something very much worth considering. Blogging is ...more

Mastering the Upsell
Everyone’s heard of the term ‘would you like fries with that‘ – it’s probably the most famous upsell of all time. The fast food industry are not the only ones working the upsell magic. Retail, supermarkets and yes online are all over it. There’s two common terms used in the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

4 Key Stats to Monitor the Health of Your Blog
As a blogger spare time can be pretty hard to come by. Your focus, as it should be, is about creating great content and engaging with your community — leaving little capacity for the ‘other’ things that need to be done. Add the fact that a lot of us prefer ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

From Spark to Sale in 18 Days
Some of you will know that Darren has just headed off for a well earned 10 day break. While enjoying his holiday, Darren has bravely given me the keys to ProBlogger to share a collection of posts – with of course the one condition that I don’t scare you all away :) ...more
Blogging for Dollars