
Tips for Probloggers from Getting Real – the new e-book by 37 Signals
7th of April 2006 Rachel 7 Comments

Tips for Probloggers from Getting Real – the new e-book by 37 Signals

Hi! This is Rachel Cunliffe. I’m a blog designer from New Zealand and I thought I’d share with you some problogger tips from 37 Signals’ new e-book, “Getting Real” (which is selling very well). If you haven’t come across 37 Signals’ products such as Basecamp, Backpack, Tada, Writeboard and most ...more
Blog Design
Business Blog Survey
10th of June 2005 Rachel 5 Comments

Business Blog Survey

Hi everyone, I’ve been asked to see if I can get feedback on these questions by anyone who is involved with business blogging for a magazine article on business and blogging (as inspired by this article) – so I thought I’d throw these out as a Friday survey (yes, it’s ...more
Business Blogging