Guest Blogger

How Goal Setting Increases Your Productivity | Tips on
11th of January 2017 Guest Blogger 13 Comments

How Goal Setting Increases Your Productivity

By ProBlogger Expert Nicole Avery of Planning With Kids. Back in 2013 the founder of this blog, Darren Rowse, tweeted a question asking Problogger followers to share the biggest challenge that they face as a blogger. I think the majority of us can guess what the most common challenge was. You ...more
Be Productive
6 things you can do in January to make your blog better in 2017 | on
22nd of December 2016 Guest Blogger 44 Comments

6 Things You Can Do in January to Make Your Blog Better in 2017

As 2016 winds down, many of us are looking towards 2017 wondering what we can do to take our blogs to the next level. Will next year be the year we finally: Turn our blog into a legitimate side-hustle? Score a guest post on a big site? Launch that online ...more
Writing Content
Podcast SEO: How to improve your iTunes ranking |
21st of December 2016 Guest Blogger 7 Comments

Podcast SEO: How to Improve Your iTunes Ranking

This is a guest contribution from Kate Toon, SEO expert and trainer at The Recipe for SEO Success. When most people start their own podcast, the last thing on their minds is SEO. They’re too busy developing eye-catching graphics, buying a cool microphone, and trying not to make that horrible ...more
How to Create Consistently Valuable Content For Your Blog | ProBlogger
1st of December 2016 Guest Blogger 26 Comments

How to Create Consistently Valuable Content for Your Blog

Doing something of value is a basic motive that drives us in doing pretty much anything in our lives. Writing is a passion and there is a little art in every piece of content we create, irrelevant of the topic or the reason why we put the words in this ...more
Writing Content
4 things I Learnt as a Blogger Working at an Influencer Marketing Platform
30th of November 2016 Guest Blogger 10 Comments

4 things I Learnt as a Blogger Working at an Influencer Marketing Platform

This is a guest contribution from Sam Wright at  I’d had my technology lifestyle blog for little over a year when I began working with an influencer marketing platform, connecting brands and bloggers on sponsored collaborations. Blogging in my region hadn’t become a true income source yet (that has changed ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Increasing Your Completion Rates - How to Get Participants to Finish Your Course
29th of November 2016 Guest Blogger 4 Comments

Increasing Your Completion Rates – How to Get Participants to Finish Your Course

From ProBlogger Expert Sam Nordberg. Online courses are all the rage right now, but sadly, there are some staggering figures when it comes to completion… and not in a good way. Seth Godin shared on Tim Ferriss’s podcast once that most online courses have a drop off rate of 97%, ...more
Should You Move Your Blogging Site To HTTPS? Google has made changes recently to increase the rank of secure blogs - is it something you need to do? |
22nd of November 2016 Guest Blogger 51 Comments

Should You Move Your Blogging Site To HTTPS?

By ProBlogger SEO expert Jim Stewart ofBloggersSEO. You’ve no doubt seen the subject of HTTPS in the media recently – the importance of applying it to your blogging website in order to preserve your Google rankings has been widely reported. But what does it mean for you? Do you have ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How I Beat Out 200 Applicants on the ProBlogger Jobs Board in 45 Minutes
17th of November 2016 Guest Blogger 11 Comments

How I Beat Out 200 Applicants on the ProBlogger Jobs Board in 45 Minutes

This is a guest contribution from Susan Finch. Landing lucrative contracts from job boards that goes beyond paying your bills and actually sustains your lifestyle – it’s what every aspiring and highly experienced writer dreams about. You may even dabble in applying for positions on job boards and experience mixed results. ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to blog on your lunch break | ProBlogger
9th of November 2016 Guest Blogger 14 Comments

How to Make Time for Blogging During Your Lunch Break

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. Blogging is something that we all know we need to do. But as a busy professional with a weekly schedule consisting of non-stop meetings, conference calls, project deadlines, and personal responsibilities, actually making time for blogging can seem impossible. The good news ...more
Writing Content