Guest Blogger
5 Essential Elements of a Successful Self-published Book
This guest post is by Srinivas Rao of BlogcastFM. Self-publishing is a hot trend. People’s eyes are lit up by the possibility of actually making money from their content. But there’s more to it than throwing together a PDF, uploading it to Amazon, and waiting for a check to arrive in ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Work With Designers to Design Your Blog
This guest post is by Rob Cubbon. Psychologists have long been aware of the halo effect—a situation in which our judgment of a person’s character is influenced by our overall impression of them. The same is true of websites. Rightly or wrongly, we judge a website first and foremost by ...more
Blog Design
How to Bore Your Readers to Death and Scare them Away
This guest post is by Jack Samuelson. Blogging is no joke. There are millions of blogs, probably hundreds of millions of bloggers, and billions of articles online. Still, that does not mean everybody can blog effectively and run their own blog with success. So what about all those unsuccessful bloggers? ...more
Writing Content
What New Bloggers Can Learn From Some of History’s Greatest Minds
This guest post is by Kate Miller of Today’s new bloggers are a fortunate group. The blogging community is swarming with a plethora of experienced bloggers who they can turn to for advice, tips and DIY tutorials. These bloggers are the thought-leaders, renegades and early-adopters of the industry. Turning ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
A Basic Visual Design Guide for the Visually Incompetent
This guest post is by Anabelle of Read, Write, Live. Have you ever woken up one day, looked at your blog’s header and other visual elements, and thought, “My, this is ugly!” You need a visual redesign. What to do? There are two solutions to this problem: you hire a ...more
Blog Design
How to Work With Technical Contractors
This guest post is by Neil Matthews of The majority of work to run a WordPress blog can be done by non-technical people, but about 20% of the work requires in-depth knowledge of the technology that sits underneath the hood of a WordPress site. This is when many blog owners ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Got a Consulting Gig from Your Blog? Don’t Make this Big Mistake
This guest post is by Bill Zipp of You’re so excited! The blog you’ve been writing faithfully, the list you’ve been building consistently, the newsletter you’ve been sending out weekly just paid off. You got a call from a reader who’s asked about the Holy Grail of blogging success: ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Build Your Brand to Get Paid Speaking Gigs
This guest post is by Valerie Khoo from This article is the third of a three-part series on how to build your brand through your blog and get paid for your creative output and expertise. The first two parts were about How to build your brand to get paid to ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Build Your List Before You Launch, Using Launchrock
This guest post is by John Doherty of Distilled NYC. Are you a blogger, either part-time or full-time, who is seeking to launch a product? Or, are you a business owner who is looking to launch either a startup or a new product line? If so, this post is for ...more
Blog Promotion