Guest Blogger
How—and Why—to Make Your Blog Print-friendly
This guest post is by Dunya Carter. When crafting your blog, it is easy to neglect how it might look to someone who wants to print your articles and posts. After all, with huge monitors, smart phones, tablets, and the bevy of other ways people can access your content, who’d ...more
Blog Design
Clean Out Your List of Blog Post Ideas in a Blog Content Workshop
This post is by Steve of Do Something Cool. One of the first things I learned when I started blogging was to create a Word document to write down all my blog post ideas. That way I could always find something to write about. After a few months, I had dozens ...more
Writing Content
A New Theme, Part 2: When Your New Theme Crashes Your Blog
This guest post is by Ayelet Weisz of All Colores. Yesterday, we talked about preparing your blog for a theme upgrade. You read it, worked through all the steps, and now you’re ready to go. So you get up on Saturday morning and sit down to work, a breeze coming through ...more
Blog Design
A New Theme, Part 1: 11 Ways to Prepare for Your Blog Theme Upgrade
This guest post is by Ayelet Weisz of All Colores. You’ve been reading all about the importance of a good blog design while struggling with your basic WordPress theme. You’ve been frustrated with the limitations of this basic theme, yet you don’t have enough tech knowledge to create a new ...more
Blog Design
Use These 5 Design Elements to Create the Optimum Blog User Experience
This post is by Mark Acsay III of Webby Thoughts. One of the main unacknowledged problems with today’s websites is that many just follow the favorite design of the month. When Flash was born, we got bombarded by Flash-based sites that took forever to load. When sliding banners came along, ...more
Blog Design
My 10-in-1 Content Creation Strategy [Case Study]
This guest post is by Wayne Turner of MurrayKilgour.Com. Content creation calendars and schedules are the bane of most serious bloggers’ and content managers’ lives, depending on which side of the creative block you’re on. I straddled this fine line on many occasions until my Eureka moment. Having amalgamated my ...more
Writing Content
The Experts’ Views on Content Marketing
This guest post is by John Abrena of As the Ghost Speaks. There have been a lot of discussions about what works in the realm of online marketing. Many say that massive link building and the quantity of links still matter, while others focus on optimizing their website to its ...more
Blog Promotion
Triple Your Traffic by Guest Blogging for Backlinks [Case Study]
This guest post is written by Joseph from Guest blogging is all the rage now; it’s easily the #1 marketing technique used by both individual bloggers and online corporations. Unfortunately, most people are seeing guest blogging to be different from what it was originally painted to be. It’s no ...more
Blog Promotion
How Interview Blogs Work [Case Study]
This guest post is by Janelle Allen of The Grand Life. In September 2012, I launched my latest online venture, The Grand Life, where I interview creative professionals and entrepreneurs, and quickly realized that I had a lot to learn about building a successful interview site. Although there are a ...more
Case Studies