Guest Blogger
PPC: A Viable Alternative to Organic Traffic for Bloggers?
This is a guest contribution from Nicholas Whitmore, freelance journalist and website content editor.copy With search engine traffic becoming increasingly difficult to rely on, it’s important for bloggers, like you, to think of different ways to drive people to your website. After all, there’s no point in blogging if no one ...more
Blogging, and Twitter, and Readers…Oh My!
This is a guest contribution from Courtney Gordner. If you want to maximise the potential of your blog, it’s essential that you interact with your followers. And if you want to interact with your followers, you need to know where to find them. When they’re online and not reading through your latest ...more
Blog Promotion
5 Fundamentals That Determine How Fast Your Blog Grows
This is a guest contribution from Tim Soulo. This year I’ve managed to grow a photography blog by 500% in about 6 months and I think I’ve learned something along the way. I was following five fundamental things that you can learn from any marketing blog, but I like to ...more
Blog Promotion
My Top 5 Blogging Blunders You Can Avoid
This is a guest contribution from Gary Newell. I started blogging almost two years ago and since then, my blog has grown considerably. I have learned a lot in a relatively short period of time and I want to share five of my biggest mistakes so you can avoid falling ...more
Blog Promotion
7 Blogging Mistakes That Will Give You Zero Traffic
This is a guest contribution from Ness. Everyone wants more traffic to their blog, don’t they? If you’ve been staring at your analytics wondering what’s going wrong, you might be making a few mistakes that are holding you back. Not Having a Marketing Strategy The first thing that should be ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
5 Reasons Why Blogging is Not Working for Your Business
This is a guest contribution from freelance writer, Jawad. Over the last few years, the significance of high value content, in generating qualified sales leads, has increased tremendously for businesses. More than ever before, businesses are now focusing on generating regular content for their target markets to keep a steady ...more
Business Blogging
Five Lessons Any Blogger Can Learn from Organized Crime
This is a guest contribution from Steven Gomez. Crime in America has many names. There is the Mafia, the Mob, the National Crime Syndicate, or “La Costa Nostra” – Italian for “This Thing of Ours.” In addition to the colorful names and faces are the larger-than-life personalities that turned crime in ...more
Inspire, Interact & Inform to Create Thought Leadership in Your Niche
This is a guest contribution from Will, a young entrepreneur slash marketer. We can all agree that the most popular blogs have a few things in common – they all inspire, interact with and inform their readers. As Darren has discussed before, these three pillars should form the foundation for your ...more
Blog Promotion
The ONE thing your written content needs. (And it’s not what you think!)
This is a guest contribution from karen gunton is a blogger, teacher, and visual marketing specialist. Bloggers hear a lot of advice about content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing, but you may have noticed something new pop into the online landscape lately – visual marketing. So yes, even though ...more
Writing Content