Darren Rowse

Blogging Sells, and Sells Out
28th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blogging Sells, and Sells Out

“By most accounts, blogs — web logs to the uninitiated — scored a major coup last week when CBS News admitted that it couldn’t vouch for the authenticity of memos supposedly written by George W. Bush’s commander in the Texas Air National Guard. The conservative bloggers who led the charge ...more
Blog News
Google traffic dropped dramatically for many sites
28th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Google traffic dropped dramatically for many sites

There is an interesting thread over at Webmaster World’s forums that indicates that a significant number of web masters have noticed a drastic reduction in referals from Google in the past few days. Some are reporting decreases in in Google visitors from numbers like 2000 to 350 or 30,000 to ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Do forum signature links help PageRank and SERPS?
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Do forum signature links help PageRank and SERPS?

One of the tips I’ve seen given in many SEO articles is that if you add your blog’s URL as a signature in your messages left in forums that you’ll increase your Search Engine Ranking. It makes sense, especially if you use the keywords you’re targeting – however Search Engine ...more
Blog Promotion
Mrbizfind.com Offers Pay per Click Advertising
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Mrbizfind.com Offers Pay per Click Advertising

Mrbizfind.com has just sent us a press release announcing the opportunity to advertise your blog or site in their pay per click advertising system for as little as 1 cent per click. Check out the details in their following press release. If you sign up and give it a go ...more
Blog Promotion
Creating Content: The Easy Way
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Creating Content: The Easy Way

There is little doubt that quality content has a number of real benefits for your web site, not least increasing levels of repeat visitors, and valuable revenue streams such as advertising and the sale of products or services related to the content you provide. The only difficulty is that creating ...more
Writing Content
About ProBlogger
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 100 Comments

About ProBlogger

Welcome to ProBlogger – the Blog that helps bloggers to add income streams to their blogs. My name is Darren Rowse and I’m a full time Blogger making a living from this new and dynamic medium from blogs like Digital Photography School. Back in 2002 I stumbled upon an article ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Google AdSense Review
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google AdSense Review

Go4-Webmaster.com has a good review of the Adsense Program from Google. “Google AdSense is for someone who wants a complete solution. It might not fill all of your ad inventory (well, maybe, now that you can have up to 3 units served on a page), but it will do good ...more
Revenue Generation Ideas for your Blog
27th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Revenue Generation Ideas for your Blog

Oristus has posted a fantastic list of Revenue Generation Ideas for your blog. It is one of the most comprehensive lists I’ve seen so far on the topic and covers everything from Premium Content Offerings through to Classifieds through to RSS Ads and RSS Premium Feeds. Here is one of ...more
Other Income Streams
Submit your Blogging Tips
26th of September 2004 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Submit your Blogging Tips

Whilst I’ve been blogging for close to two years now and am fortunate enough to earn a full time (ish) living from my blogging activities I by no means know everything there is to know about Blogging. Whilst I’ve written over 100 tips so far on this blog there are ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips