Darren Rowse
More on Getting Yahoo Traffic for your Blog
A month back I wrote a tip about Getting Yahoo Traffic for your Blog that simply involves a technique where you add your blog’s RSS feed to the customizable MyYahoo headlines feature. I wrote in that post that after one day that I noticed a small increase in Yahoo referrals ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Sandbox Explained
I hadn’t noticed this post over at Wayne’s on the Google Sandbox which I’m linking to here not only because I think many of you will find it valuable but because I am always getting asked about the Sandbox and this will be a great article to send people to ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Advertisers Sue Google and Yahoo over Click Fraud
Just spotted an article in the Wall Stree Journal that mentions a group of contextual ad advertisers who are suing Google and Yahoo over issues of click fraud – this will be an interesting one to watch as its going to be a big issue for those behind contextual advertising ...more
Help ProBlogger Find a Business Model
I’m hesitant to post this but its something I’ve been pondering for a while now and I’d appreciate your thoughts and ideas. You see I love writing on this blog – it is the blog I’m most proud of and that I put most time into. I get more feedback ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Scrivs on ProBlogger
Scrivs writes this: ‘If I worked as much as Darren (damn, how many times can I link to him in one week?) or some of the others then I would have much more money, but I also think I wouldn’t be as happy with my life.’ Two responses: 1. Maybe ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Is Podcasting Viral?
Darren Barefoot has an interesting take on Podcasting and why he’s ‘Not Smoking the Podcasting Dope‘. He raises some good points which are similar to some of the concerns I’ve written previously. He writes that podcasting has a shorter tail than blogging and that its less accessible to podcasters than ...more
Interview with Chris Pirillo
Chris Pirillo is one of those names that you hear as you interact with ProBloggers around the web but for some reason he’s someone that I’d never personally bumped into online until a few weeks ago when on a whim I posted this little post asking if anyone wanted to ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews
WordPress 1.5 Review
The Blog Herald writes a good review of Word Press 1.5 for those thinking of upgrading or swapping over. ‘WP 1.5 builds on 1.2, which in itself was very good, so I’ve got no complaints. The static pages and spam handling abilities are definite positives, and the templating system is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Easy Bake Weblogs E-book Review
I’ve been chatting to Andy from Easy Bake Weblogs (affiliate link) for the past week or so via Skype and am really enjoying chatting with another problogger who knows his stuff. Andy comes at his blogging from a slightly different direction to me – he’s an experienced blogger who is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services