Darren Rowse
How Adsense Click Fraud Will Impact Publishers
Click Fraud is a growing problem for Adsense and other Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising programs. The challenge that Google has with Adsense and click fraud is that they’re at risk of it happening from a number of angles. One of the potential fraudulent activities if obviously from publishers clicking ...more
ProBlogger – Helping Bloggers Earn Money?
This afternoon I’ve been spending a little time thinking about how to brand ProBlogger – ‘Helping bloggers earn Money’ is probably the most descriptive catch cry I can think of but I thought I’d throw it over to you my wonderful readers to see if you can come up with ...more
ProBlogger Site News
ProBlogger Newsletter Edition 1
I’ve just emailed out the inaugural ProBlogger.net Newsletter. If you signed up for it and didn’t receive anything it either means that you: subscribed with the wrong email address (spelling mistake) are blogging email from my server for some reason havn’t yet confirmed your willingness to receive it (after you ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Generating Traffic for your Blog – Think Ahead
In a great example of thinking ahead – Rogers Cadenhead registered the domain name BenedictXVI.com a couple of weeks ago. ‘Cadenhead, an author of 20 technology “how-to” books with titles like “Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition” and “Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days,” said he registered the names for ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Donation Buttons on Blogs
Jeremy Wright has a good post answering the question – Why I Don’t Have a Donate Button? His answer: ‘Because: my users already donate to my well being by simply reading this blog and clicking on various ads. I already trade against my reader’s goodwill by displaying ads. To me, ...more
Other Income Streams
Using Photos in your Posts
Arieanna asks her readers if they are influenced by pictures in posts? She writes: ‘I notice quite often that I scan blog posts quite quickly to pick up on one of two things: keywords in the title or pictures. One or the other has to catch my eye to stop ...more
Blog Design
Welcoming Dutch and German Readers
I think I might need to learn Dutch and German because some days I think this site is read (and linked to) by more bloggers speaking those languages than English. It is actually a wonderful thing about blogging – forging relationships with people on the other side of the globe ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Gizmodo Gets a New Editor
Megablog – Gizmodo just added another editor to support the ‘senior’ editor – Joel Johnson. mmmm – what I’d give for an editor/co-writer! One day.
Pro Blogging News
Adsense Smart Pricing Explained
A few days ago I attempted to explain Adsense Ad Click Value Variations (or why sometimes clicks are worth a lot and other times they are not). A number of readers emailed or instant messaged to say that I’d forgotten to mention ‘Smart Pricing’ which many believe is another factor ...more