Darren Rowse
Conversations with an Adsense Click Fraudster
Tim Yang posts an interesting conversation that he’s been having with an Indian Adsense Click Fraudster who contacted him to see if he’d be interested in making a quick buck via an army of fraudulent clickers in India. Here’s the first of numerous emails Tim was sent: ‘Hello, I got ...more
Introducing Blogsavvy
Fellow Melbourne bloggers James Farmer from Incorporated Subversion has just launched a blog that has gone straight to the News Aggregator named Blogsavvy. James writes about Blogsavvy: ‘Blogsavvy is part a creature of me wanting to write about blogging a lot more, part result of my belief that blogs are ...more
Pro Blogging News
New Google update
For those of you who watch such things – it seems that Google have just started a backlink update.
Search Engine Optimization
Do your Blogging Goals Match Your Current Blogging Practices?
Jeremy has an interesting post over at Ensight where he looks at a recent ‘downturn’ in blogging after some of the recent controversy over character blogs. To be honest I’ve kept out of the debate and really don’t see it as a particularly useful one (maybe I’m missing the point ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
BlogLogic.net Lives
Paul has decided to keep his BlogLogic Network going after taking on the advice of a number of readers. He’s also going to start a text link campaign across his network in order to help raise more income. Good news Paul – blog on mate.
Blog Networks
Bloggers Under Attack from German Spammers?
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting hundreds of German spam emails at the moment. Steve thinks there might be a blog link to the issue – or maybe its just that bloggers are talking about it more than others because they have the vehicle (their blogs) ...more
Blog News
MSN Search Updating
I’m noticing significant shifts in MSN search results today on most of my blogs. They must have just done some sort of update. I can’t see any discussion of this in forums however so it could be just on my domains. Since its inception the results were artificially high (for ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Why not to use Google Web Accelerator with WordPress
The Word Press forums have an interesting thread running with a warning NOT to use Google’s new Web Accelerator with Word Press. In it they link to an article over at O’Reilly Radar which is a little frightening: ‘Some users of 37 Signals’s new Backpack web application started noticing yesterday ...more
Pro Blogging News
Filtering Adsense Ads
Arieanna has an interesting experiment going where she is filtering Adsense Ads in the hope of increasing CTR. She writes: ‘Relevance has a couple of points. First, relevance to your content. Second, relevance to your readers. So, if I talk about a new blog innovation here or over on Blogaholics, ...more