Darren Rowse

Essential Blog Advertising Systems – Poll Results
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Essential Blog Advertising Systems – Poll Results

The poll I’ve been running this week on which Advertising system you find ‘essential’ has just been closed with some predictable results and some that are perhaps a little surprising. The question asked was: If you could only have one – which Advertising System would you use? The unsurprising results ...more
Google Automat
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Google Automat

Interesting post over at Inside Google on a patent that Google has filed for a product called Google Automat which looks like an extension to their AdWords program where advertisers can not only place an AdWords ad but can get their own free standing page to serve as a product ...more
Chitika adds eSupport Area
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Chitika adds eSupport Area

Chitika has quietly been developing an eSupport area where they have latest Chitika news, Downloads (currently just a couple of plugins for MT and WP) and a knowledgebase area with a collection of tips on a variety of Chitika and eMiniMall topics. They also have opportunity to submit a ticket ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls
Linkbaiting with Attack
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 24 Comments

Linkbaiting with Attack

Nick writes an interesting post on The Art of Linkbaiting or on getting other sites to link to your blog – a necessary part of building traffic on your blog (both in getting direct traffic from the links and in building search engine ranking). Nick writes: ‘In order to bait ...more
Writing Content
Web Moments That Changed The World
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Web Moments That Changed The World

The Webby Awards have come out with their 10 Web Moments That Changed The World – many of which were revolutionary to blogging also. Hat tip to Dave Johnston who has written a post bouncing off the Webby Awards list and adding his own comments.
Contextual Ad Prices Falling?
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

Contextual Ad Prices Falling?

Thanks to Stuart for alerting me to this report into keyword prices on contextual ad systems titled – Are Internet Ad Prices Slipping? The figures are from a semi regular (quarterly or monthly?) report from Fathom Online (see their 7 Nov press release) into what keyword prices are doing in ...more
On Meta Tags
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

On Meta Tags

Yaro asks Do Meta Tag Keywords Matter Anymore? and does a good job of explaining what they are and answering the question. His advice to whether we should use meta tags: ‘Yes and no. It definitely should not be prioritized and if you have other, better SEO things to do ...more
What Blog Networks Look for In Potential Bloggers
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 10 Comments

What Blog Networks Look for In Potential Bloggers

Blogging.wurk has a post with this ‘inside word’ on what blog networks are looking for in bloggers. He asked network owners for their opinion and got responses from 4.
Blog Networks
How to take a blog vacation
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 17 Comments

How to take a blog vacation

Arieanna has posted about the options that bloggers have in what to do with their blogs when they go on holidays. She outlines four options: 1. Guest bloggers 2. Advance post 3. Write from the road 4. Announce you are going away I think all are valid. As she mentions ...more
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