Darren Rowse

What to Do when Your Google Traffic Disappears
I’ve had emails from a number of ProBlogger readers in the past week who have each told me that at some point in the last month they’ve seen drastic falls in their Google SERPs and as a result their referral traffic from Google. In each case their page rank has ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google Analytics
Google have just made Google Analytics available for free to Adwords advertisers. Google Analytics is a re-branded ‘Urchin Analytics’ which previously costed $199 per month. Google bought Urchin out in March of this year. Here’s how they describe it: “Learn how visitors interact with your website and identify the navigational ...more
Pro Blogging News

Hypocritical Blogging
Robert Scoble posted over the weekend about whether there should be more debate or critique over the use of ad programs like Adsense or Chitika by bloggers (as there was earlier in the year with Marquis paying bloggers to post about them. His post caused a bit of a stir ...more
Pro Blogging News

Stephen Discovers the Power of Blended Adsense Ads
Inspiring comments from Stephen in the last post: ‘Up until last weekend, my adsense in-page banners used my site colors, but had a complimentary color border to make them stand out more against the content. My daily average for October was just over $2 a day – I had good ...more

The $10,000 Hour
Have you ever has a $10,000 hour? Steve Pavlina has a post on $10,000 hours where he talks not about hours where you actually earn $10,000 in an hour but hours where you do things that in the long run have the potential for that type of earning capacity. One ...more
Pro Blogging News

Affiliate links Outranking Official Links on Google
I’ve noticed in the past month a number of times when affiliate links in Google rank higher than official sites. The most prominent of these at present in the ProBlogging community (I get an email about it every day or two) is illustrated by when you do a search for ...more
Affiliate Programs

Weddings, Blogging, Intentionality and one Whopping Big Tangent
Warning: Tangent Ahead I have a secret life. Actually it’s not really a ‘secret’ because I’ve not hidden the fact and I have spoken of it a few times at ProBlogger – maybe I should refer to it as my ‘other life’. It might surprise a few newer readers but ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Hone, a fellow Melbourne blogger, asked me to answer a few questions in a mini interview – he published my answers here if you’re interested.
Pro Blogging News

Blog Hooks – Elements that Draw Readers Back
After my earlier post about linkbaiting I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘hooks’. The idea of a developing a ‘hook’ (or hooks) for your blog is brilliant advice. I remember talking to a successful song writer a few years ago and he said the same thing – all good songs ...more
Writing Content