Darren Rowse

Start with a Need – Battling Bloggers Block
6. Start with a Need One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given by the person who taught me to public speak many years ago was to identify a need that those who are listening to you might have and to use this as the starting point ...more
Writing Content

The Silly Season Kicks Off
Has anyone else noticed that in the last few days things seem to have taken off in terms of traffic? I can only really put it down to it being just over a month to go until Christmas but the past 48 hours have seen a nice bump in traffic ...more
Pro Blogging News

Combine Two Disconnected Ideas – Battling Bloggers Block
This is part 5 in the Battling Bloggers Block Series 5. Combine Two Disconnected Ideas Regular readers will know that I like a Tangent – I love to take everyday situations, ideas and experiences that have no relation to blogging and find ways to combine make them illustrate a point. ...more
Writing Content

OSM gets back in it’s PJs
Pajamas Media became Open Source Media and today are becoming Pajamas Media again. The ‘other’ Open Source Media responds. What a saga.
Pro Blogging News

Feedster Top 500 Updates
Feedster have updated their Top 500 Blogs page and have added tags into the mix. So now blogs have tags next to them which makes it a much more useful list. So now the problogger entry looks like this: If you click on the ‘blogging’ tag you get taken to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Read Other Bloggers – Battling Bloggers Block
This is part 4 in the Battling Bloggers Block Series 4. Read what other Bloggers are Saying Ok so this one’s not rocket science but it needs to be said. One of the strengths of blogging as a medium is the way that bloggers interact with one another and build ...more
Writing Content

Free Writing – Battling Bloggers Block
3. Free Writing – Just Write – When I run out first sit down to work out what to say for a public speaking gig I often lock myself in a private room and just begin to speak (to myself) randomly on the topic that I’ve been asked to talk ...more
Writing Content

Adsense Thanksgiving Themed Ads
I’m hearing reports from Adsense publishers that Adsense are asking some publishers if they will give them permission to run special Thanksgiving ads this Thursday on some of their ads. Ads will be normal running ads but will be made to look “thanksgiving-ish” according to the email. This looks to ...more

Subscribe to Comments Feature Added
After many readers making the suggestion I’ve finally added a Subscribe to Comments Plugin to ProBlogger.net. So now if you want to know when others add comments after you to check the little ‘ Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ box and you’ll get emails every time anyone comments. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services