Darren Rowse

Use Your Archives as Inspiration
Blog Tip 15. Read your Archives After you’ve been writing on a topic for a year or more it’s normal to get to a point where you feel like you’ve said everything that needs to be said on a topic. While you might have covered your topic fairly comprehensively it’s ...more
Writing Content

Use Comments as Inspiration – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 14. Use Comments as Inspiration Comment on Others Blogs – Have you ever started commenting on someone else’s blog and found that your comment turns into quite an epic!? You get to the end of it and you realize that you’ve been so inspired that you’ve virtually written ...more
Writing Content

Google AdSense Animated Ads
Threadwatch, Search Engine Journal and Jensense all are talking about another new type of ad that Adsense has been testing at Search Engine Roundtable – Animated background ads. It looks like a format that they’re offering premium publishers (and other testing publishers) who have special permission to try new things ...more

Preparing your Blog for the Silly Season
Duncan has a good post unpacking the Blogging silly season a little. The ‘silly season’ traditionally starts the day of US Thanksgiving and extends into the first few weeks of January. It’s silly because traffic levels can vary incredibly. Every blog has it’s own pattern (depending largely upon it’s topic ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Find Your Golden Hour – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 13. Find your Golden Hour I’m a (mid) morning person – 10am until midday are what I call my golden hours. They are when I am at my best in terms of thinking creatively and getting things done. That’s not to say that I fall in a heap ...more
Writing Content

Blogger Starts ‘Shut Up Jar’
The AFL Player Spectator is having some fun with their readers by offering to stop blogging for a $1000 donation to their ‘shut up jar’. Yep – many blogs out there have a tip jar where your readers can encourage you to keep writing through a donation – but this ...more
Pro Blogging News

Stimulate your Mind – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 12 – Stimulate your Mind This bloggers block tip is really an extension of the last one on taking breaks – but I guess it’s about what you do on your break that can make it even more powerful for adding to your creativity. The saying of ‘what ...more
Writing Content

Take a Break – Battling Bloggers Block
11. Take a Break It seems an appropriate day (with many of my US readers currently off eating Turkey and being thankful) to talk about having a break from blogging. Whether it’s a longer holiday, long weekend, day off or even a lunch or coffee break – time off is ...more
Writing Content

Amazon ProductWiki
There has been quite a bit of talk in the past couple of days about Amazon starting a wiki – Church of the Customer started it all but the interesting thing is that no one that I can see (including Church of the Customer) seems to have a link to ...more