Darren Rowse

Chitika answers Audit Questions.
Chitika have responded to the many questions being asked of them by publishers after the recent audit over at the Chitika Blog. I won’t rehash it all here as I spent most of the day yesterday responding to people’s questions, frustrations, hurts and anger on the topic via IM and ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Reward Yourself – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 23. Reward Yourself Tangent Time: When I was a kid my parents used to use a ‘star system’ where they’d have a piece of paper on the fridge with a table on it with the names of us three kids and the days of the week. Each day ...more
Writing Content

Use Other Communications as a Base for Posts – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 22. Mine your other Communications – A couple of months ago I stumbled upon a podcast that really impacted the way in which I thought about creating content. It was an interview with online entrepreneur James Maduk by Michael Pollock. James has created many online resources and in ...more
Writing Content

Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers
The Hottest Post on ProBlogger right now is I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours – a post asking people to share their favorite WordPress Plugins. I am a little overwhelmed by the response. Last time I checked there were 41 comments – each with suggested plugins. Many ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The car that blogging bought
Congratulation to Rick who has just bought a car with his blogging earnings – he’s called it ‘the car that blogging bought. Nice one Rick – that’s a sexy looking car! We’re looking at a Subaru too – but probably more of a family wagon :-)
Pro Blogging News

Chitika Audit Issues
Wow – I woke up this morning to an inbox full of emails with the word ‘Chitika’ in the subject line. Most of them from publishers concerned with yesterday’s audit where their earnings were reduced – in some cases significantly. Jensense and Performancing both write critiques of the process and ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Ten Rules for Profitable Blog Startups
Evan Williams from Pyra Labs had an interesting post a few days back titled Ten Rules for Web Startups which has some interesting points – some of which might well by relevant to bloggers in start up mode. The bold points are Evan’s – the rest is my attempt to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Are Blogs Worth Anything Without the Bloggers?
BL Ochman points to an interesting couple of posts by Peter Brady and Stephen Baker and asks the question – Are Blogs Worth Anything Without the Bloggers? I think it’s a fascinating question and one that I’ve often pondered as I’ve watched colleagues buy and sell blogs over the past ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Hui 2006 – New Zealand Blog Conference
Just across the Tasman from the east coast of Australia is New Zealand who will be holding their first international blog conference in 2006. It’s called Blog Hui 2006. It’s being held in Wellington between 16-17 March and they’re lining up some interesting speakers including Torill Mortensen, Trevor Romain and ...more
Pro Blogging News