Darren Rowse

25 Tips for Battling Bloggers Block
I didn’t really highlight this too much when it happened a few posts back – but I’ve now hereby officially finished the Battling Bloggers Block series. If you want to read the whole series in the one place I’ve put it all over on the one page at Battling Bloggers ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Steve Closes in on Six Figure Blogging Mark
Congratulations to Steve Pavlina who posted a few days back that in less than a year he’s grown his blog’s income from less than $10 per month to last month hitting $4700 for the month. That’s some pretty impressive growth for 10 months! ‘My income goal for the year was ...more
Pro Blogging News

The 2005 Weblog Awards Finalists Announced
The Weblog Awards for 2005 have posted nominations and voting will start sometime in the next 24 hours. Congrats to all the nominations (there’s a lot to wade through). There’s a lot of quality blogs in the list as usual, I always enjoy these awards for finding new blogs that ...more
Blog News

Mind Mapping – Battling Bloggers Block
This will be the last post in the Battling Bloggers Block series of posts. You can read the full series all in the one place at Battling Bloggers Block. Blog Tip 25. Mind Maps I think I’ve talked briefly about Mind Mapping here at ProBlogger before – but have never ...more
Writing Content

New Colors for Adsense Firefox Referral Ads
Adsense have just released a few new colors of their Firefox Referrer ads. In addition to their white background ones they now have yellow/orange and blue as follows: hat tip to shirster for emailing me with this news.

How Many Blogs Do you own?
I’ve just added a new ‘poll of the week’ question to the side bar – how many blogs do you own? By own guess I really mean how many blogs are you the primary blogger on (ie if you’re blogging for a network I don’t mind if you claim a ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blogging Goals
There’s a good insight into Weblogs Inc and how they set goals for their bloggers over at the Jason Calacanis blog today. Jason says they don’t give incentives to hit the goals of 20% growth per month for blogs with less than 1 million pages a month or 10% growth ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google AdSense Referrals Program – One Month In
I’m interested to hear if anyone has had any success with the Google Adsense Referrals program. It’s been just under a month since they launched the new program that allows publishers to refer other publishers to the program. I’ve seen quite a few bloggers using the buttons that Adsense provides ...more

Verbalize your Blog Posts – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 24. Say it Out Loud Sometimes I think a lot clearer and come up with better content when I say it out loud before I write it. I wrote about this briefly in Tip 3 but I realized after writing that just how useful the technique has been ...more
Writing Content