Darren Rowse

Weekend Events
I’m back after my weekend ‘off’. It was definitely off in terms of blogging however a very busy one on other fronts with weddings (one of them my sister) and other personal commitments. I took close to 1000 photos over the weekend something I really enjoyed. Of course having the ...more
Pro Blogging News

Fund Your Love of Blogging
The next post in the b5media 12 days of Christmas series is from Nikki, one of our newer bloggers who has joined b5 as a result of our merger with the About Weblogs network. Her blog is on fashion accessories and is one of the AW blogs that we’re still ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

It’s all about the lifestyle
The next post in the b5media 12 days of Christmas is from one of the first bloggers to join b5 – Jayvee Fernandez who is one of our tech bloggers. He’s also one of numerous b5 bloggers from the Philippines. I’ll allow him to share more… I’m Jayvee Fernandez, editor ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Ethics for Science and Health Bloggers
Our Second post in the b5media 12 Days of Christmas series is by Hsien-Hsien Lei. I’ll let her introduce herself and tell us about the topic of – a topic that might well be worth thinking through for all types of bloggers but which is particularly relevant for some in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Writing Gooder
The first submission in the b5media 12 (or so) days of Christmas series is from Rhys Alexander one of b5’s many bloggers with more blogs than she really knows what to do with. She’s the blogger behind Screamstress (a horror blog) and Literally Blogging at b5. And has other personal ...more
Writing Content

b5 media’s 12 Days of Christmas
As I mentioned in my last post – while I take a little break here at ProBlogger (just for a few days) I’m going to be running a series of posts written by some of the bloggers over at b5media. I’m hoping for it to run over the next 12 ...more
ProBlogger Site News

I’m Hybernating for the Weekend
Just a quick post to say that I’ll be scarce here over the weekend for a number of reasons. It’s partly that I have more weddings this weekend than you can poke a stick at and partly that I’ve been advised from people that are helping me work through a ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blogging for Money and Tax
There’s a useful post by Bill over at BaseBlogging about Accounting for Bloggers where Bill interviews an accountant, Brian Borawski from Tigerblog, about tax implications and financial structures for bloggers. It’s probably more useful for US bloggers but might give those of us from other countries a few hints at ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Squidoo Goes Public Beta
Also in my emails this morning was a number of emails from people telling me that Squidoo had come out of it’s private beta test. I’ve not had a chance for a good look around it yet but have heard some good things from it so far. Have you played ...more
Pro Blogging News