Darren Rowse

Apple Lust
Apple Mac lovers everywhere are like kids in candy stores today – nervously checking their credit card limits to see what new toys they can afford. There are a few new things that interest me: Updated Keynote – ok this won’t be number 1 on most people’s list – but ...more
Pro Blogging News

b5media Reflections – 4 Months In
If you’ve got some bookkeeping skills you might like to head over to b5media where we’ve just advertised that we need someone like you. In other b5media news – with the last few blogs that we just launched (3 more from the merger) we now have 63 blogs (and over ...more
Blog Networks

Kevin Rose is predicting (or seems to have some inside word) that Steve Jobs will announce Photocasting (via iPhoto) in his keynote address in a few hours. Photocasting – interesting. Note sure how that differs from the Flickr plugins for iPhoto – but time will tell.
Pro Blogging News

Help me choose a domain name
As part of a competition I featured in the top 10 of a couple of months ago I’ve won 12 months free hosting and a domain name from an Aussie hosting company. I’ve been pondering what to do with it and while I have ideas on the type of blog ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Business Blog Resource
Andy Wibbels and Peter Flaschner are two bloggers that I respect and enjoy the company of and so when they announced they were putting their heads together to create a course called Business Blog Basics (aff) I took notice. The course runs over the next three Wednesday evenings (7:30 PM ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ProBlogger FAQ
One of the things I realized on coming back from my latest break and working through the thousands of emails is that I get asked a lot of questions. I enjoy this interaction with readers but 80% of the time find myself answering the same sorts of questions. As a ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Guidelines for Teen Pro Bloggers
I’ve had a growing number of emails from teenagers in the last couple of months – all asking about how they can get into blogging for an income. In a general sense I think blogging can be brilliant for teens (and even children) for a number of reasons as I’ll ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Holiday Link Dump
I’ve spent time today attempting to catch up on unread email and RSS feeds from my two weeks of holidays (it’s going to take some time). In an attempt to catch up a little, here are some of the things I missed while away from the RSS feed: The Sixth ...more
Pro Blogging News

ProBlogger 2006 Reader Review
So where is ProBlogger.net headed in 2006? This has been a question I’ve pondered over the past few weeks in those moments between the beach, the restaurants, the pool, the bed, the books, the cafes, the sunsets, the afternoon naps…. Ok I’ve not pondered it as much as I thought ...more
ProBlogger Site News