Darren Rowse

(Another) Day in the life of a ProBlogger
Since writing my last day in the life of a ProBlogger post my daily rhythm has changed a bit since I wrote it in November 2004 (and updated it in April 2005). As a result I thought I’d describe my daily workflow again. It’s worth noting that this is a ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Problem with Hosted Blog Platforms
Emily reflects upon the problem of starting a blog on a hosted service like TypePad and relying upon the subdomain URL you are given when you do in a post rather appropriately titled Starting a new blog? Get your own domain name! Do NOT use a subdomain. ‘The irony here ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdRotator – Ad Rotating Plugin for WordPress Users
Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with the AdRotator – Ad Rotating Plugin for WordPress here at ProBlogger. The ads you see in the banner position are now rotating through three different options so that every third page view gets a different ad. The plugin allows you ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Measure a Blog’s Success?
As I was writing my post a couple of days back on the Conversation Index (comment to post ratio) that some bloggers are talking about as a measure of success for blogging I found myself asking the question: ‘How should a blog’s success be measured?’ As I mentioned in my ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Hate Links
A couple of related links that came through my inbox this morning: The Stop Snark Manifesto – One blogger’s attempt to end Blog Snark-i-ness Handling Hate – Andy Hagans on ‘Hate’ in the blogosphere
Pro Blogging News

Turn to Compete with AdSense
I’m thinking of starting my own contextual advertising company. It seems to be the thing to do with YPN getting into it last year, MSN on the way, Amazon rumored to be getting into it and today talk of yet another competitor to AdSense – ‘Turn’. The word is that ...more

Blogging with or without Comments?
Mathew Ingram has an interesting discussion going on around the topic of Is a blog without comments still a blog? after the flack that Russell Beattie has gotten from not using them. Russell decided to cut comments largely for time reasons as far as I can see it – he ...more
Pro Blogging News

Selling Text Links
It seems that more and more bloggers are being approached via email by companies seeking to buy text link ads on their blogs. For example one of my readers forwarded me this email yesterday (names have been removed): Greetings – I am looking to purchase 5 text link ads on ...more

Feedburner Caught Spamming
Duncan at BlogHerald has broken the story that Feedburner have been marketing themselves with unsolicited emails (Spam). He’s posted the email and has definitely hit the spot – so much so that two Feedburner representatives have already left comments acknowledging that they were wrong to do so (particularly the comment ...more
Blogging Tools and Services