Darren Rowse

Light the Torch – Olympics Blog
In case you hadn’t heard – b5media is having some fun with an Olympic blog over at Light the Torch where we’ve opened it up for others to join us in the blogging frenzy (it’s a group blog with bloggers each representing their own countries – there are even Aussies ...more
Blog Networks

3Bubbles to add Real Time Chat to Blogs
TechCrunch has information on a service that I know will interest some ProBlogger readers seeking to create discussion around their posts. It’s called 3bubbles (to launch next week) and is an Ajax based chat system that you can add to your blog posts (via your templates) which will allow readers ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Insular Linking on Blog Networks
jkOnTheRun has an interesting story on how Blog Networks can get pretty insular with their ‘source links’ (ie crediting where they get stories from). The example given is one where the writer (jk) had been credited as being the source of a story on a Weblogs Inc blog (which was ...more
Blog Networks

Blogging for Beginners – Coming Soon
Earlier in the week I asked for questions for my upcoming series of posts on Blogging for Beginners. The response was great. For starters the questions asked confirmed that I’d already written articles on the write topics. They also gave me a few good ideas for others. I’ve taken some ...more
ProBlogger Site News

When Not Posting is a Good Thing for your Blog
Wayne’s hit the nail on the head with his post Posting desperation: When anything won’t do where he examines a good strategy for beating bloggers block…. Posting Nothing at all. ‘Instead of letting some slipshod meaningless post fill that taunting empty posting box, it would be better for you and ...more
Writing Content

YPN ads Down
I’ve had a couple of readers IM me in the last hour to let me know that YPN ads are down/blank and have been so for ‘hours’. WebmasterWorld Forums also have a discussion on the topic of YPN Blank Ads as does Digital Points forum in the Yahoo Ads Down? ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Chitika eMiniMall ‘Seasonal Special’ Ads
It looks like Chitika are getting in on the action with ads focussed upon seasons and holidays with their new ‘Seasonal Special’ type ads (see screen cap below) – kicking off with Valentines Day ads for the next week. Publishers logging in to Chitika at the moment will see them ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Vanilla Forums
Have any readers had any experience with Vanilla as a forum platform? I’d be interested to hear people’s feedback.
Blogging Tools and Services

How AdSense Determines Which Ads to Show Where – Ad Rank Explained
Inside AdSense has a useful post on how AdSense determines what order ads will appear on your site. While the price an advertiser is willing to pay per click is definitely a factor it’s not the only one. There is a complex algorithm behind it which they attempt to explain ...more