Darren Rowse

20 Ideas for a Great Blog
Carson McComas from FrogBody has an good post titled 20 Ideals for a Great Podcast which I enjoyed reading this morning (found via Life Hacker). But as I did I found myself wondering if the tips might actually help bloggers too. So here’s my comments on each of the points ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Choosing a Blog Platform
This post talks readers through some of the issues that they need to think through regarding choosing a blog platform. Update: please check out our more up to date post – How to Start a Blog for advice on blogging platforms and much more. ‘Which Blog Platform Should I use?’ ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Choose a Niche Topic for your Blog
The approach I’ve taken to build a business around blogging has been to build multiple blogs around niche topics. I describe the reasons for this in my post One Blog Many Categories or Many Blogs? but I regularly am asked about how I choose my niche topics to blog about. ...more
Start a Blog

AdSense testing third parties involvement in Serving Ads to Publishers
Jen has news of a beta test that AdSense is running with a select number of advertisers where they will be working with a number of third party ad providers to serve ads on their publishers site. The details are a little unclear at this point with regards to which ...more

Clickbank Login Problems
Some Clickbank affiliates (including me) have been having problems logging into their admin area over the past day or two. On reporting difficulties logging in publishers get the following message from Clickbank: “Due to an attempted denial-of-service attack that started Sunday, we have been filtering suspect traffic. It is possible ...more
Affiliate Programs

Gizmodo Starts Using Amazon Affiliate Program
Perhaps I’m a little slow on the update here and they’ve been doing it a while but today I noticed for the first time that Gizmodo have started linking to products in Amazon with their affiliate ID (see screen cap left) – obviously trying out the Amazon Associates Program. I’d ...more
Affiliate Programs

What’s a Blog Post Worth?
Wired News has a mini interview with Harold Davis from Googleplex (which doesn’t seem to have any content on it today for some reason) which has some good basic information on making a living from blogging. Interestingly he puts a dollar value on a per page basis(over a year) to ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Test 3Bubbles on their Blog
The 3bubbles real time chat/comments for blogs that I mentioned a few days ago are up and running for us to play with on the 3bubbles blog (why they launched with a templated design is anybodies guess). Just go to the little Live Chat link at the end of posts ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Jason Calacanis Gives Advice
John Evans over at Syntagma has just posted a short Interview with Jason Calacanis of Weblogs Inc (well done John – Jason is a hard man to tie down for an interview of any length – I gave up a year ago :-) ). John asked Jason ‘what’s the single ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips