Darren Rowse

Can a Blogger Live off Donations?
Jason Kottke reflects on the year that he asked his readers to support him through donations in a post titled Oh, what a year. His three week fund drive earned $39,900 from 1450 donations. Is he going to do it again? ‘I’m not going to be asking for contributions again. ...more
Pro Blogging News

How Much Money Can a Blog Earn?
“If my blog has ((insert daily number of impressions or page views of your blog here)) how much should it be earning?” This is one of the more common questions I get asked by bloggers just starting out with making money from their blogs. On one level it’s a valid ...more
Blogging for Dollars

AdSense Referrals Extends Referrals Time Limit to 180 Days
A month ago we reported that Adsense had silently changed the rules with their referral program making it so that anyone you refer to the program had to earn $100 in their first 90 days in the program for you to get your $100 commission. Tom from Blogging Tom has ...more

Blog Auction In Progress – Unmatched Style
Another blog is up for auction at SitePoint Forums – this time the blog is Unmatched Style and the bids are at $12,500 so far. It’s a blog with $500 – $900 monthly revenue and 850,000 monthly page views. I’ll be interested to see how high the bidding goes. found ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Technorati Introduce Favorites and Plays Favorites?
David Sifry announces a new feature at technorati – Technorati Favorites which allows people to keep track of their favorite blogs on one page. You can add up to 50 blogs and then follow them via a single RSS stream. This sounds like a very useful tool – BUT… Of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Speed Linking – 22 Feb 2006
Steve Rubel presents The Four P’s of Blog Marketing: Passionate, Purposeful, Present and Positional. ClickZ reports that Digital Ads are expected to hit $23 billiion by 2010 – gulp fiftyfoureleven.com writes So Your Content Has Been Copied, Now What? Jeremy Wright talks about how MySpace IS the new Blogosphere
Pro Blogging News

Bleeding Edge and the Search for a Blog Business Model
There’s been an interesting progression of thoughts over at Aussie Charles Writght’s blog (Bleeding Edge) over the last week or so as they’ve searched for a business model for their blogging (originally spotted via Squash who has some thoughts on it too). Here’s the progression of posts on the topic ...more
Case Studies

ProBlogger in Coolum
Just a note to any fellow Aussies in Queensland (the Coolum area). I’ll be there from Sunday through to Tuesday for a conference and I’m sure I could find a little spare time for a beer/coffee/stroll on the beach. I’m not sure of the conference (that links to last year’s ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Adrenaline Blogging
Today has been a massive day of blogging for me. While I tend to have full days with moments to relax – today was full steam ahead. I woke up to find that Lifehacker had picked up the Blogging for Beginners series which was bringing in considerable traffic and quite ...more
Pro Blogging News