Darren Rowse

Social Networking Video
I just watched this very amusing video on Social Networking (particularly MySpace). Found via Small Business Trends
Blogging Tools and Services

Blogger achieves 5000% ROI from Blogging
Debbie Weil writes that Charlene Li has apparently brought in close to one million dollars in business to her employer, Forrester, in the last year – all through her blogging. That’s a 5000% Return on Investment! ‘That’s based on her calculation that her $14.95 / month account with TypePad triggered ...more
Business Blogging

2web – Australian Web 2.0 Bloggers and Entrepreneurs
Some Aussie bloggers and webby type entrepreneurs have started to self organize over the last couple of weeks and have decided to come together for conversation and a bit of evangelization under the name 2web. There’s only 8 of us at this stage and I’m sure others will join our ...more
Pro Blogging News

Performancing Metrics Review
As I mentioned earlier today, I’ve been one of the alpha testers of Performancing’s new Metrics tool. We’ve been using it on a number of b5media blogs over the past couple of weeks (including ProBlogger) since Nick approached us with the opportunity. I’d actually heard of the package previously in ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

‘Old media must embrace the amateur’ says Reuters Head
There’s a fascinating article over at the Financial Times by Tom Glocer of (head of Reuters) on how Old media must embrace the amateur which has a lot of talk about new media. Here are a few snippets:
Pro Blogging News

Aaron Brazell – New ProBlogger Columnist
One of the things I’ve enjoyed about ProBlogger in the last 12 months has been that I’ve ‘met’ (virtually of course) a large number of amazing bloggers who know a whole heap more about blogging than I do in a variety of areas. I’ve been experimenting with finding ways to ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Jason Calacanis Talks about the AOL Sale – Podcast
If you’ve been watching the rise of Weblogs Inc over the last couple of years and want to hear some of the behind the scenes story of the AOL sale then you might want to listen to an interview with Jason Calacanis recounting the story on a techcon TPN podcast. ...more
Blog Networks

Google Pays out $90 million to settle Click Fraud Case
There’s news on Reuters today on a $90 million pay-out from Google over a click fraud case. While that kind of money isn’t massive in the scheme of things at Google it’s the precedent that is worrying. As the article says – some believe that click fraud is the ‘single ...more

AdWords Launches Reader Demographic Targeting
Google’s AdWords have just allowed advertisers to start targeting sites with certain demographics as readers. You’ll see below on the screen capture from my AdWords campaign some of the options for targeting that Advertisers now have according to gender, age, income, race etc. This means that Google are now tracking ...more