Darren Rowse

ProBlogger Returns to ‘Normal’
The two week break is over and I’m back home after what was a wonderful couple of weeks in tropical far north Queensland (north eastern tip of Australia). We spent a week in Port Douglas and just under a week in Palm Cove. While we did catch the end of ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blogs as a Profile Builder – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by one of ProBlogger’s Dutch readers, Bertrand, as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series Hello fellow bloggers, I’m glad Darren gave me the opportunity to tell you my story. Unfortanetly the blogs I maintain are Dutch, so I will describe the background, the way ...more
Case Studies

How to Attract Readers? – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by Carolyn Goodwin as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series I hadn’t even read a blog until my brother introduced me to English Cut and explained the benefits of blogging for business. I recently began my career as a professional gift consultant for Whirled ...more
Case Studies

Blog Tools
Do you Want to Improve Your Blog? Subscribe to ProBlogger Today for Free. A couple of months ago I asked readers to share which blog tools they use the most in some of the following areas. The suggestions were a nice start but I’d like to see the list expand ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Back in Skinny Jeans – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by Stephanie Quilao as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series I am a new blogger, and published my first blog November 1, 2005. I got so excited about the potential of being a six-figure blogger that I decided to create a mini network consisting ...more
Case Studies

Tea Guy Asks about Hosting – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by Bill Lengeman as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series My question is probably not uncommon for bloggers at beginner to intermediate level. Should I start hosting my own blog and using a proper domain name? I started blogging in July of 2005 like ...more
Case Studies

PC Doctor – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by Adrian W Kingsley-Hughes as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series PC Doctor blog, a blog designed to help people get more from their PCs, back in April of last year. I bought it to life after a long period of being asked by ...more
Case Studies

Getting Knickers in a Twist over Blog Sponsorship – Blog Case Study
The following post was submitted by Danae Shell as part of the ProBlogger Case Study Series I’m the editor of a lingerie weblog called Knickers (warning: as Danae says – this is a lingerie blog and could be unsuitable for some workplaces etc – Darren). Knickers is a product weblog ...more
Case Studies

10 Steps to Guarantee You’ll Never Make More than 0.14 cents per month with AdSense
Every day I come across and courses which promise to teach people how to make thousands of dollars a day with AdSense by following a few easy steps – so I thought it was time for one that shows you how to guarantee to keep your blog from making money ...more