Darren Rowse

Keeping your Blog’s Statistics Accurate
8th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Keeping your Blog’s Statistics Accurate

Jonic writes a post well worth reading, especially for new bloggers, at Are you skewing your own website stats?: ‘Almost everyone who has their own website loves checking their stats to find out how it’s doing, especially those of us who are in the business of blogging. For some it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Weekend Blogging Strategy
7th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Weekend Blogging Strategy

As a blogger I have a love hate relationship with weekends. Less Work – On one hand they are great because the number of stories breaking on weekends drop (PR companies tend to make their announcements on weekdays and Journalists seem to favor them too for big stories) which means ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Yahoo! Publisher Network Responds to Publisher Termination Reports
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Yahoo! Publisher Network Responds to Publisher Termination Reports

A few days ago I reported that YPN had had another round of terminating publishers from their network for ‘poor quality traffic’. Today YPN have responded to the attention that their actions got around the web in a statement on their blog – Maintaining a Quality Network. They write: “As ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
AdSense ads new referral buttons
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

AdSense ads new referral buttons

Inside AdSense have just announced new designs for their referral buttons. There are now heaps of options for publishers to choose from in three of their referral programs (the AdSense, Firefox and AdWords ones). Most (if not all) of the new buttons are like the ones I’ve included in the ...more
FeedBurner Security Issue
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

FeedBurner Security Issue

I’m a very big fan of FeedBurner (I’m using a variety of their services on multiple blogs) but fivecentnickel has shared a story today that it’s probably worth sharing as a precaution in a post titled FeedBurner Leaked my Sensitive Personal Information. Knowing some of the FB team I know ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Changing domain names
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Changing domain names

Paul Allen has written a post that is well worth the read if you’re looking at moving your blog to a new domain (always a scary thing to do). Unfortunately Paul learnt a lesson the hard way but is generous enough to share his story so that others might learn ...more
Search Engine Optimization
10 Reasons Why Many Blogs Don’t Make Much Money
6th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

10 Reasons Why Many Blogs Don’t Make Much Money

Chris Garrett writes a good post on Can Anyone Make Money From Blogging? and says that the answer to the question is ‘yes’ – but then qualifies his answer with a number of factors. My own answer to the question would be very similar. I would also say that it ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Get a Bag of Schwag from ValleySchwag!
5th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Get a Bag of Schwag from ValleySchwag!

If you’ve ever been to a conference you know the anticipation connected with the Schwag Bag which comes filled with bribes gifts from vendors hoping that by giving you a pen, t-shirt, condom, coffee mug, USB drive that you’ll buy their product, give them a favorable review or use their ...more
Pro Blogging News
Topix Launches Revenue Sharing Publisher Platform
5th of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Topix Launches Revenue Sharing Publisher Platform

Topix have launched their publisher platform which enables publishers to sign up to allow Topix to let them use their content in their system on a revenue share basis. To join you need to have a full feed from your blog and the content needs to be your own. There ...more
Pro Blogging News