Darren Rowse

9 Techniques for Using Polls Effectively on a Blog
2nd of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

9 Techniques for Using Polls Effectively on a Blog

In my last post on blog polls we explored why using polls on a blog can be a great technique for building interactivity and ownership on a blog but today I want to give a few practical tips on how to use them (or at least how I use them): ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
gnoos Launches
1st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

gnoos Launches

Fellow Aussie entrepreneurs Ben Barren and Michael Leone have today unveiled and officially launched gnoos – a local (and global) search tool that aggregates the most current Aussie blogs. I’ve been playing around with it during it’s beta test and it produces some great results. I’m looking forward to seeing ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Tools for Tracking Search Engine Serps
1st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Tools for Tracking Search Engine Serps

Leon Kilat has a post that those of you wanting to find a way to keep a track of your Google Search Results Rankings (SERPS) might like to check out. It reviews the Sitening Serp tracker. I use a similar service at Digital Point called Keyword and Back Link Tracker ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Inside AdSense: Payments information may be delayed
1st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Inside AdSense: Payments information may be delayed

Also on the AdSense blog today is something I’ve been expecting for a few days after emails from a number of readers who have told me about problems with their AdSense payments this month. It’s amazing how nervous people get when there is the hint of a problem with payments ...more
AdSense API beta
1st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

AdSense API beta

AdSense have announced their API beta program today over at their blog. They are only accepting publishers ‘whose sites receive a minimum of 100,000 daily page views’. I’m a little unclear if this means that the publisher’s total page views need to be over 100,000 or whether each site they ...more
Adsense Sparklines
1st of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Adsense Sparklines

Information aesthetics has a cool little charting facility that is tracking a blogs daily word count, unique visitors, AdSense earnings and the OS that people are viewing the blog in. They say it fits within the AdSense TOS but you need to ask permission from them to use it first. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Blog Polls – Add Interactivity to Your Blog
Six Apart to Launch Vox – June 1
31st of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Six Apart to Launch Vox – June 1

TechCrunch have announced that Six Apart (the team behind TypePad, Moveable Type and Live Journal) are releasing a new hosted blogging platform named Vox (formally named Comet) – to be launched on 1 June. It’s been on the cards since September last year (when it was called Project Comet). They ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Lessons from Eye Tracking
31st of May 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Lessons from Eye Tracking

Seth Godin has posted a fascinating video on his blog which shows eye tracking results of Squidoo. Lots can be gleaned by watching where people look on a website and while Squidoo is a little different from most blogs there are a number of take home lessons that I can ...more
Blog Design