Darren Rowse

Bloggers and Money Session at BloggerCon
I am currently listening to a podcast of the Bloggers and Money session at BloggerCon. You can read a little about the session at ZDNet. A few notes from the podcast: Chris Pirillo made some good points about blogs being a branding tool to brand yourself – which is certainly ...more
Pro Blogging News

Best standalone blog application? Poll
Lifehacker is running a poll on which standalone blog application is best – the results are no surprise – very similar to our ProBlogger’s poll on blog platforms.
Blogging Tools and Services

ProBlogger Demographics – MSN adCenter Style
MSN’s AdCenter predicts that 60% of ProBlogger’s readers are male with the biggest readership in the ‘under 18 years of age’ range. Hmmmm – the gender one might be right (my gender poll found that 72% of readers were male) but the age range has got to be out. I ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Pre-Launch Success Phase of a Blog
Scrivs has a good post on some of the things to consider before you launch a blog. He talks through issues of: The Design – “For a blog a great design is good, but isn’t as key as the content that is already present on the site. For more web-based ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A – Z of Professional Blogging Tools
Following is my A to Z of Professional blogging including blogging tools, blogging platforms, blogging services and ways of making money from blogging (in fact whether you blog for money or not much of what follows should help you improve your blogging). I hope you enjoy it and feel free ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blogger, Rafat Ali, Raises VC Dollars
Yet another blogger, Rafat Ali from Paid Content, has raised Venture capital for his blogging business according to his announcement post today. Rafat explains the investment saying that the investment comes from Alan Patricof and that the amount will not be disclosed. What will Rafat do with the invested money? ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Network Owner Shares ‘Mistakes I’ve Made’
Mac Slocum at The Independent Publisher is reflecting upon the first year of development of his Fodder Network and has written a post on the five biggest mistakes that he’s made along the road so far. Mistake No. 1: Underestimating the Time Commitment – I suspect this is something many ...more
Blog Networks

ecto for Windows 2.1 beta Released
Ecto (the blog editor) has released ecto for Windows 2.1 beta. I’d be interested to hear what people think of this new Windows based version.
Blogging Tools and Services

10 Things Every Reader Wants from a Writer
Liz at Successful Blog has a good list of 10 Things Every Reader Wants from a Writer.
Writing Content