Darren Rowse

Blog Mistakes
30th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Mistakes

Brian at Copyblogger has a nice post over at his blog titled Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Blog? in which he unpacks some common mistakes of bloggers and gives some ‘prescriptions’. His mistakes (he writes more under each): 5. Do you write for search engines instead of people? ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
The Impact of AdSense Ad Positioning
29th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Impact of AdSense Ad Positioning

Seth Godin has written a post on SquidBlog about their experiment at Squidoo with moving AdSense ads from the right hand column to a more central position. As you’d expect, and as we’ve talked about here at ProBlogger many times, the click throughs went up significantly (it tripled). But that’s ...more
Using Digg to Improve Your Content
29th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Using Digg to Improve Your Content

I’ve seen (and written) a lot of posts about how to get posts picked up by social bookmarking sites and what to do when it happens, but one of the things that has struck me recently is that another opportunity often presents itself when a site like Digg links links ...more
Social Media
The Biggest Lie About Blogging
29th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Biggest Lie About Blogging

Anne Handley has been asking experienced bloggers a simple question – What’s the Biggest Lie About Blogging? – the response has been most interesting and well worth the read. I love Jeremy’s list at the end – 40 lies in all. Here’s a few of his: 1. Blogging’s just a ...more
Pro Blogging News
Amazon UK Test ‘Self-Optimising Links’ – Beware AdSense publishers
28th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Amazon UK Test ‘Self-Optimising Links’ – Beware AdSense publishers

I’ve just noticed that Amazon UK’s Affiliate program is beta testing a new type of ad called ‘New Self-Optimising Links’. They describe it as: “Self-Optimising Links feature products chosen automatically based on the content of your site. To create Self-Optimising Links simply modify the template and appearance elements and copy ...more
Maintaining a Blog/Life Balance
28th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Maintaining a Blog/Life Balance

Wendy Boswell has written a great piece over at Lifehacker on How to get things done working inside and outside the home where she talks a little about her approach to work life balance as a home based worker. I think that what she has to say is great and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Adsense Testing Ad Units Mixing Images With Text
28th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Adsense Testing Ad Units Mixing Images With Text

A number of AdSense publisher have been reporting seeign a new type of AdSense ad over the last 24 hours or so. The ads in question seem to be happening in the narrow skyscraper ad unit (120×600) and consist of normal text ads with a 90×110 image at the top ...more
A – Z of Professional Blogging
27th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

A – Z of Professional Blogging

Just a quick note to thank everyone for their suggestions in the A – Z of Professional Blogging post earlier today. I’ve since updated the list with numerous more suggested blog tools and platforms and there are now over 130 listed. Keep your suggestions rolling in. I’ve not added everything ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
digg’s new AdSense Ads
27th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

digg’s new AdSense Ads

By now most people have seen the new digg design and expasion of their categories beyond their traditional ‘technology’ one. But what interests me most about the redesign is their integration of AdSense ads into the design. I noticed earlier today that they were a little different but didn’t think ...more