Darren Rowse

Topix Adds News Trend Tracker
Topix.net has launched a new design and a few nice new features. The look is a little cleaner than it’s previous incarnation but of more interest to me is it’s new graphing feature that lets you look back over a year’s indexing of news sources to see how many times ...more
Pro Blogging News

Ten Tips for Becoming a Top Digg User
Marketallica has an interesting article by a top 100 Digg user who shares his tips for being successful on Digg (as a user). The english isn’t great (but then again neither is mine at times) but the tips give insight into Digg userland. 1. Recognize Big Stories 2. Track Pulse ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking – 7 August 2006
Just a couple of quick WordPress related links today: Michael Pollock shows us how to set up a video blog (or How to add Flash video to your WordPress Site) Max Limpag shows us how to use WordPress to run a magazine news website
Pro Blogging News

FeedBurner Testing ‘Networks’
Just stumbled upon a post from Brad Feld who is blogging about a new “networks” approach that Feedburner seems to be beta testing. Brad is coordinating a Venture Capital network and defines networks as: “a collection of blogs that fit within a particular topic. The goal is to create high ...more
Pro Blogging News

Bloglines Problems
Numerous bloggers are reporting issues with Bloglines again today. I’ve been noticing it for at least 24 hours here – folders that say they have unread items that when you click on them have nothing in them as well as other folders that seem to be empty but which actually ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Finding a New Rhythm as a Daddy Blogger
It’s been one month today since ProBlogger Junior came out of Beta and to say that life will never be the same again is something of an understatement. One of the common questions I’m asked by friends, family and readers is ‘how has the work/family life balance been going?’ Another ...more
Pro Blogging News

WordCamp Kicks Off
I’d love to be heading to WordCamp this weekend but due to the quick way it was organized and the fact that V would rip my head off if I even raised the idea of leaving the country a month after our little one was born I wasn’t able to ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Cost of High Quantities of Posts
Does the quantity of content that you post to your blog add value to or devalue your blog? I suspect that there are many bloggers who think that by adding large quantities of content to their blog that they are adding value to it however in many cases constantly pouring ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

WordPress.com adds Private Blogs and Custom CSS Upgrades
WordPress.com has had two new features offered to users in the last few hours. Private Blogs – the ability for publishers to request your blog be unlisted in search engines and the ability to only enable other WordPress.com members to have access to it. Custom CSS – this is something ...more
Blogging Tools and Services