Darren Rowse

New Blog – LifeDev
Today I came across a new blog (new to me) that caught my attention – LifeDev. I thought I’d share a few of their latest posts which got my attention and could be helpful for bloggers: 7 Idea Dumping Tips (How to Mangage Diarrhea of the Brain) What the Frontpage ...more
Pro Blogging News

Windows Live Writer – Have your Say
Microsoft has just announced Windows Live Writer today (downloadable from here if you’re a PC user). I’m a Mac guy so it’s not something I can give you any recommendations on but it’s a blogging tool (in a similar class to other desktop blog editors) with most of the features ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Chitika Shoplinc Review
Chitika have just gone public with a new feature – Shoplincs – a CPC (cost per click) branded shop that you can host on your own domain and attatch to your blog/site. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of a small (very ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Essential Books for Bloggers
The following post is a list of books that would be helpful for bloggers – particularly those wishing to make a business from their blogging activities. It has been compiled both from my own suggestions as well as those of a number of other bloggers (see the bottom of the ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense Explain A/B Testing
The Official AdSense blog has posted a short tutorial on how to implement an A/B Test with your AdSense ads. An A/B test sets up two different types of AdSense ads that rotate on your page in different configurations so that you can test which one works best for your ...more

Get a Real Blog – Instructional Videos Review
I get a lot of emails from PreBloggers and NewBloggers who want to set up a WordPress Blog on their own domain and hosting but don’t know how to do it. It’s a common question and one I’ve been looking for resources on to point people to. Over the last ...more
Pro Blogging News

Challenges Facing Young and Older Blogs
It struck me today as I sifted through a variety of questions from readers that the age of a blog brings with it a different set of challenges to their bloggers. Bloggers with young blogs tends to ask one set of questions and bloggers with older blogs have their own ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging for Money By Self Publishing a Book
Marti Lawrence from Enter the Laughter has emailed me to tell me of a new money making venture he’s been experimenting with – self publishing a book. The book – Queen Klutz – is a collection of humorous and inspirational stories which fits pretty well with Marti’s blog. She’s chosen ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Random Reflections on The 24 Minute Documentary
I’m watching the new Techcrunch 24 Minute Documentary on Web 2.0 at the moment and find myself reacting in a whole heap of ways (most of them conflicting). Let me spit them all out and see what we get (warning – no guarantees that this is going to make any ...more
Pro Blogging News